Using the Online Help

Launch the help by clicking in the upper right corner of any screen in the software and then click Online Help

Click the links below in the Related Topics section to learn about the features on any help page, such as the Search field.

Using Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs display at the top of the help page. They indicate the path to the page that you are currently viewing. You can click on a breadcrumb to view a parent page.

For example, if you view the "Programs Overview Tab" topic, the breadcrumbs look like this:

You can click on one of the breadcrumb topics, for example, the Programs breadcrumb, to view the Programs Overview help topic.

Online Help Display Issues

A compatibility setting can cause the online help to display incorrectly in Internet Explorer. Complete the following steps to resolve this issue:

  1. In Internet Explorer, click on the gear icon (Gear icon) in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click Compatibility View settings.
  3. In the Websites you've added to Compatibility View box, remove
  4. Click Close.

The online help should now display correctly.