Types of Help Topics

The different types of help topics provide different kinds of information, such as descriptions for fields and options on a screen or steps to complete processing tasks.

Each section of the help contains the help topics for a area of the product, such as Programs or Benchmark Attributes. You see these sections in the help Table of Contents in the order that you see the applications in the Navigation pane in Touchstone.

The help includes the following types of topics:

Topic Type Purpose
Overview Overview topics introduce an application, feature, or process.
How to How to topics provide step-by-step instructions for completing tasks, such as creating a project or adding a benchmark attribute.
Fields and Options These topics provide the descriptions of the field, options, and actions on a form or dialog box, so you can better understand what to enter in fields and the purpose and effects of the options and actions.
Learn More About Concept topics in the Learn More About section of help explain the underlying concepts that drive various business processes.