
Use the Projects hub to view all of the projects in Touchstone to which you have access as well as the program to which they are associated. You can also add, edit, or delete projects, and enter benchmark attribute values.

A project must be associated with a program in order for you to submit a schedule. Projects only display in the Submittals view when they are associated with a program. You cannot use benchmark attributes for the project if it is not linked to a program.

When a schedule is submitted, it is measured against the criteria set up in the associated program. Touchstone compares the uploaded schedule to the acceptance criteria metrics and scores the schedule based on the metric influence selector values. For each condition that the schedule meets, it accumulates a point value, whether the point value is negative or positive. The score is then normalized on a scale of 0 to 100 and compared to the Minimum Acceptance Score on the Acceptance Criteria tab (Templates > Acceptance Criteria).

If the schedule doesn't meet or exceed the score, it is rejected and the person who submitted it is provided with information about the issues.

When the schedule meets or exceeds the score, it is accepted. Project fields such as Current Project % Complete and Current Activity Count are updated based on data from the uploaded schedule, and the schedule becomes available to the Reviewer for analysis.

Projects Common Fields

For a description of the fields and menus above the tabs, see Projects Common Fields.