Workflow Section

Use this section to learn about Workflow workspaces.

The workspaces that this section describes constitute the runtime interface to workflow specifications. Workflows are defined using the MWL specification language-the Maconomy Workflow Language.

As of Maconomy version 9.0 Service Pack 5, the workspaces in the Workflow module are for reference and viewing only, and most of the workspaces are read-only, meaning that you cannot change them. However, you can revert the workspaces to their pre-Service Pack 5 state by changing the MDL layouts, if this is required to maintain old-style workflows.

Using the Maconomy Workflow Language (MWL), workflows can be defined in Maconomy. A workflow is a chain of actions and events that bring entities through a series of states. MWL automates the process of pushing business entities through a number of well-defined states. For instance, you can define a workflow for a purchase process-the workflow evaluates a purchase order (PO), creates to-dos for the appropriate people that they should approve the PO, makes sure that the items are received correctly, and so on-constructed exactly to suit your specific needs. For more information about MWL, contact your Maconomy Account Manager.

The Workflow module includes the following workspaces. The specification workspaces display the MWL workflow data that is installed in Maconomy. The workspaces are basically read-only with no actions. However, you can modify a few titles at run time, and you can enable and disable lifecycle definitions and asynchronous monitors:
  • Life Cycle Definitions - The life cycle and stage definitions
  • Life Cycle Transition Definitions - The transition definitions and how they are connected with stages
  • Notification Categories - The definition of various kinds of notifications, such as to-dos, alerts, and so on
  • Notification Types - The definition of notification types
  • General Monitors - The groups of monitors
  • Monitors - The definitions of synchronous and asynchronous monitoring actions
You use the following runtime workspaces in the Workflow module to debug and view lifecycles and notifications:
  • Life Cycles - View instances of lifecycles that exist in Maconomy
  • Life Cycle Transitions - View instances of transitions that have occurred in Maconomy and manually execute a transition
  • Notifications - View current instances of notifications

For more information about the specifics of setting up workflows, see the descriptions of these workspaces