Life Cycle Definitions Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to view, enable, or disable lifecycles, which define how an entity progresses from one stage to another (for example, how a job progresses from being created to being closed, and all of the stages in between). For each entity, you see the individual stages in the lifecycle.

This workspace is for internal Deltek use only.

Note that if you have installed workflows from an earlier Maconomy version before 9.0 Service Pack 5, you can open the fields in this workspace to edit them as described in "Introduction to Workflows."

Note that the information that this workspace displays is for internal use in Maconomy only. The Maconomy Workflow functionality is not yet fully released.

In this workspace, you can view and enable or disable lifecycle definitions. A lifecycle defines the progression of one object in Maconomy (for example, a customer or a job) from one point in its existence (for example, from a job being created) to any other point (for example, when a job is closed). Each of these points is called a stage. The progression of an object from one stage to another is called a transition. For instance, when someone submits a time sheet, it progresses from the "Created" stage to the "Submitted" stage. You can view the specifications of transitions in the Life Cycle Transition Definitions workspace.

In the Life Cycle Definitions tab, you can see the type of object to which a lifecycle definition is assigned, such as time sheets. In the Life Cycle Stage definitions sub-tab, you can see the individual stages.

You enter and edit all of the information in this workspace in the Maconomy Workflow Language. For more information about the functionality of workflows, see "Introduction to Workflows."