Notifications Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to view or create notifications, which are alerts that Maconomy sends as part of a workflow. For example, if an employee does not submit a time sheet when it is due, the employee's supervisor receives a notification.

For example, if an employee does not submit a timesheet when it is due, the employee's supervisor receives a notification.

This workspace is for internal Deltek use only.

The two standard notification categories are To-dos and Alerts, but you can define additional categories.

For instance, a notification might be shown to a supervisor indicating that a user for whom the supervisor is responsible has not submitted his or her time sheet. The notification can be a To Do, an Alert, or any other notification category that you define. For more information, see the description of the Notification Types workspace.

You do not typically create notifications manually. Notifications are generated by the workflow engine or by M-Script code, which can be invoked in various ways.