Notifications Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Notifications tab.

Notification Island

Field Description
Notification Type This field shows the type of the current notification. The notification type defines how the notification is displayed.
Notification Type Name This field shows the name of the current notification displayed on the “Notification Type.”
Created These two fields show the date and time of the creation of the current notification. The notification is typically created automatically by a monitor.
Instance Key This field shows the key of the current notification. Instance keys are enabled by default for the relation Notification. The instance key provides a single, unique key for the current notification item. The regular database key consists of a combination of the values in four fields in this workspace: “Notification Type,” “Created” (both date and time), and “Instance Key.” Using the unique instance keys makes it easier to identify and use the current notification programmatically.
User This field shows the name of the user for whom the notification was raised.
Internal Relation Name This field shows the internal relation name of the objects to which the current notification refers. This information derives from the notification type. If the current notification type is used in connection with a job issue (for example, if a job exceeds budget), the internal relation name is JobHeader.
Object Instance Key If an internal relation name is specified in the field “Internal Relation Name” above, this field shows the instance key of the object that generated the current notification.
Monitor No. This field shows the number of a monitor, if the current notification was generated by a monitor. Monitors can be inspected in the workspace Monitors.
Confirmed When a notification has been confirmed, that is, it has been checked that the notification applies, this field is completed with the date and time when the notification was confirmed.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Text 1-10 In these fields, you can enter additional text to apply to the notification in question.

One way to use these fields is to enter parameters for the MScript procedures displaying the current notification. For instance, the M-Script procedure might be programmed to look in the field “Text 3” for a help text for the current notification.

Remarks Island

In these fields, you can enter a number of remarks to apply to the notification in question.

Show As Island

Field Description
Current These two fields show a date and a time which indicate when the current notification was shown in the Portal. If the date and time are in the future, the current notification has not yet been shown in the Portal. The date and time can be set by an MScript procedure, or you can specify a date and time manually in this workspace.
Closed If this field is marked, the notification has been closed. A notification can be closed if it is no longer relevant, for example, if the notification concerns exceeded budgets of jobs which have subsequently been closed.
Closed Time This field shows the date and time the user closed the notification.
Closed By This field shows the user who closed the notification.
Notification Text An M-Script procedure can generate any text about a notification. For instance, instead of simply specifying that a job exceeds budget, the M-Script can calculate the percentage by which the budget is exceeded and display it in this field. The text is inserted in this field and displayed in the Portal to the notification recipient.
Priority This field shows the priority assigned to the current notification. The priority must be member of an option list which is assigned to the current notification type in the workspace Notification Types.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.