Notification Categories Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to set up notification categories and their priority types, both of which are used in sending notifications via workflows.

This workspace is for internal Deltek use only.

The two standard notification categories are To-dos and Alerts, but you can set up additional categories.

You use categories to categorize notifications. You can use the priority type to specify an option list with priorities for the notifications in a given category.

The Maconomy Workflow functionality is not yet fully released.

Each notification belongs to a category. The categories are referenced by workflows defined using MWL, and can be assigned to notification types in the Notification Types workspace.

In the standard Maconomy system there are two basic categories, To-dos and Alerts, that Maconomy recognizes and uses.

Before Maconomy version 8.0, Service Pack 16, you created the information that appears in this workspace in the Notification Category pop-up field in the Popup Fields workspace. The information in the pop-up field does not apply to workflows subsequent to version 8.0, Service Pack 16.

For more information about the functionality of workflows, see "Introduction to Workflows."