Buyers and other purchasing personnel can use this screen to provide the additional information required for processing requisition lines into purchase order lines. Buyers can also reject requisitions in the Hdr Approvals or Line Approvals subtasks. You can modify information previously assigned to the requisition or requisition lines on this screen, and you can link requisition lines to request for quotes (RFQs) and quotes obtained for the specified requisitioned item.

Select the requisition lines to processed on this screen by buyer or approval status. Use to select and sort requisition lines by item, description, or commodity code. Most of the fields on the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen are also on this screen. You cannot add or delete requisition lines on this screen, but you can process them as they exist on the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen.

Purchasing personnel can use this screen to modify a requisition line.

After you select a Buyer and make selection in the Select Status group box, click on the toolbar to process your preferences and display the results in the table window.



Use this field to enter, or click to select, a buyer to which the requisition lines to load are assigned. The table window lists all requisition lines assigned to that buyer.

Select Status

Use this group box to select the approval status for requisition lines you want to load. The table window lists all requisition lines that have the selected status. If you do not select any of the check boxes, all requisition lines assigned to the selected Buyer are loaded into the table window.


Select this check box to list requisition lines with an approval status of Approved in the table window.


Select this check box to list requisition lines with an approval status of In-approval in the table window.


Select this check box to list requisition lines with an approval status of Pending in the table window.

Assign PO Defaults

Assign PO Option

Use this drop-down list to specify how Costpoint assigns PO IDs to requisition lines on this screen or during the PO generation process. This field is enabled only if you selected the System or Buyer option in the PO Numbering Method group box in the Configure Purchasing Settings screen, and disabled if you selected the Manual option. The following options are available:


Enter, or click to select, the default vendor ID for each requisition line on the Requisition Lines table window.

If you leave this field blank and click on the Requisition Lines table window, this vendor ID from the requisition line populates each requisition line. If you did not enter a preferred vendor for each requisition line, you can enter a vendor specifically for each requisition line.

The vendor must not be flagged as a payroll vendor, and its Approval Code must not be Not Approved. If the vendor has an Approval Code of Pending, a warning message displays.


Enter, or use to select, the default address that loads for all assigned purchase order lines when you click the Autoload button. The address may default into this field if you entered a vendor address in the Header tab, but can be modified. This field can also be left blank, and, when you click on the toolbar, the default address for the preferred vendor defaults in for each requisition line. If you did not enter a preferred vendor for each requisition line, you can enter an address specifically for each requisition line.


Enter, or click to select, the default purchase order number that is to load for all assigned purchase order lines when you click the Autoload button. The purchase order number may default into this field if a purchase order number was entered in the Header tab, but it is modifiable.


Enter, or click to select, the release number if this requisition line is for a blanket order that is to have issues released against it, or leave it blank (zero) to have Costpoint create a new release. This field is not required for non-blanket order lines. The release number must be zero if the PO Type is not Release Order and greater than zero if PO Type is Release Order.




Assign PO- Combined

Click this link to open the Assign PO - Combined subtask and view the requisition lines  that are combined together in a delivery schedule and assign a purchase order to it.

Table Window

This table window lists all requisition lines based on your selections in the Buyer field and Select Status group box.


This field displays the requisition ID to which this requisition line belongs.

Req Line

This field displays the system identifier of a line on the requisition. It is a sequential number assigned by Costpoint to track the line items of the requisition.

Line Status

This field displays the approval status of this requisition line. You can update this field depending on the stage of the requisition in the procurement planning process. If approvals are performed at the line level, the line status of a requisition may not always agree with the header status.

Pending and in-approval requisition lines may coexist in this table window, if approvals are performed at the line level. The available options are:

Line Type

This field displays the line type of P (Part), G (Good), S (Service), or M (Miscellaneous) for the item specified.


This field displays the identification code of the requisitioned item. You can use this field to enter, or click to select, a different item ID.

Item Rev

This field displays the latest revision number of the requisitioned item. You can use this field to enter, or click to select, a different item revision number.

Misc Type

This field displays the miscellaneous type code of the requisitioned item. You can use this field to enter, or click to select, a different miscellaneous type code.


This field displays the descriptive name of the requisitioned item.

Part Security

This field is visible only if the Use Part Data Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, which indicates that the item on the requisition line is subject to data security restrictions, as defined in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

If enabled, this field displays one of the following values to indicate whether the item you are accessing is subject to part data security restrictions and whether you have the necessary authorization to access information for that item:

If you are unauthorized to access parts or revisions that are subject to data security restrictions, then you will not be able to create or edit requisition lines for that restricted part/revision. In addition, you will not be able to view Line Documents, Substitute Parts, and Manufacturer/Vendor part information for those restricted items.

The features in this release relating to Part Data Security are intended to assist your company in achieving ITAR compliance. However, it is each company’s responsibility to confirm that it is meeting its obligations with respect to ITAR or other applicable requirements. Deltek does not warrant that use of this functionality will result in compliance.

Requested  Date

This field displays the date on which the requisitioner need the requisitioned item.

Req U/M

This field displays the unit of measure for this requisition line.


This field displays the quantity to be requisitioned in the requisition unit of measure.

Inv Abbrev

This field displays the inventory abbreviation code assigned to this requisition line. You can use this field to enter, or click to select, a different inventory abbreviation code.


Select this check box if sales tax or VAT is to be calculated for this requisition line item. The default is taxable for all, non-taxable for all, or it defaults from the item's (or Misc Type code's) taxable status. Any default can be modified as necessary.

Ship ID

This field displays the ship ID assigned to this requisition line. You can use this field to enter, or click to select, a different ship ID. This is a required field for parts, goods, and taxable items.

Sales Tax/VAT Rate

This field displays the sales tax/VAT rate for the sales tax/VAT code that is assigned to the ship ID.

Est Cost Type

This field displays the estimated cost type code assigned to this requisition line. You can use this field to enter, or click to select, a different cost type code.

Est Unit Cost Amt

This field displays the estimated unit cost for the requisitioned item. You can use this field to enter a different amount.

Est Ext Cost Amt

This field displays the estimated extended cost amount (calculated as Est Unit Cost Amt x Quantity) for the requisitioned item.

Est Line Charge Amt

This field displays the total estimated line charge amount for this requisition line.

Est Sales Tax/VAT Amt

This field displays the total estimated sales tax amount for this requisition line.

Total Est Cost Amt

This field displays the total estimated cost amount for this requisition line.

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency code assigned to this requisition line. All amounts on this screen are expressed in this currency.

Requisition Date

This field displays the date on which the requisition was created.

Date Entered

This field displays the date on which this requisition line was created.

Date Approved

This field displays the date on which this requisition line was approved.

Combine Reqs

Select this check box to indicate that this requisition line can be combined with other requisition lines that have the same vendor and buyer on a purchase order.


This field displays the employee ID of the requisitioner.

Requisitioner Name

This field displays the employee name of the requisitioner.

Requisitioner Org

This field displays the organization ID to which the requisitioner belongs.

Requisitioner Phone

This field displays the telephone number of the requisitioner.

Requisitioner Phone Ext

This field displays the telephone extension number of the requisitioner.


This field displays the identification code of the buyer assigned to this requisition line. You can modify this field only when it is blank.

Assignment Date

This field displays the date on which this requisition was assigned to the buyer. This field is populated by default with the current date if a buyer was assigned manually.

Delivery Schedule Exists

If selected, this check box indicates that there are multiple delivery schedules that exist for the PO line. This check box is cleared and disabled for new lines.

Combine into Delivery Schedule

If selected, this check box indicates that the requisitions are to be combined in a delivery schedule.

Target Place Date

This field displays the target place date for this requisition line. You can modify this field only when it is blank.

Preferred Vendor

This field displays the identification code of the preferred vendor for this requisition line. For requisition lines created in Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions, this field can be edited; this cannot be edited if the requisition line is created in Manage Purchase Requisitions. The vendor must not be a payroll vendor and its approval code must not be Not Approved. If the vendor has an approval code of Pending, a warning displays. You cannot select a different vendor ID if a vendor has already been established for this requisition line.

Preferred Vendor Name

This field displays the descriptive name of the Preferred Vendor.

Vendor Part

This field displays the vendor part number of the requisitioned item. You can modify this field only when it is blank.

Vend Rev

This field displays the vendor part revision number of the requisitioned item. You can modify this field only when it is blank.


This field displays the identification code of the requisitioned item's manufacturer. You can modify this field only when it is blank.

Manufacturer Part

This field displays the manufacturer part number of the requisitioned item. You can modify this field only when it is blank.

Mfg Rev

This field displays the manufacturer part revision number of the requisitioned item. You can modify this field only when it is blank.

Preferred Quote

This field displays the preferred quote for this requisition line. You can modify this field only when it is blank.

If you select an open, unexpired award quote using , the requisition line's Est Net Unit Cost is populated with the Net Unit Cost for the selected breakpoint quantity as it appears for the quoted item. The Preferred Vendor field is also populated from the quote header, as are the manufacturer, manufacturer part/revision, and vendor part/revision from the quote line. These fields are modifiable.

Suggested Blanket PO

This field displays the suggested blanket purchase order ID assigned to this requisition line. You can modify this field only when it is blank.

Procurement Type

This field displays the procurement type for this requisition line. Procurement types serve two purposes: you can use them to categorize requisition lines and to instruct buyers on how many quotes should be obtained before the requisition line is generated into a purchase order. You can modify this field only when it is blank.

The following system-defined status values are non-modifiable:

Assign PO Option

Use this drop-down list to specify how Costpoint assigns PO IDs to requisition lines on this screen or during the PO generation process. This field is enabled only if you selected the System or Buyer option in the PO Numbering Method group box in the Configure Purchasing Settings screen, and disabled if you selected the Manual option. The following options are available:

QC Inspection Required

Select this check box to require a QC inspection for this requisition line.

Source Inspection Required

Select this check box to require a source inspection for this requisition line.

Certificate of Conformance Reqd

Select this check box to require a certificate of conformance for this requisition line.


Use this field to enter, or click to select, a warehouse ID for this requisition line. This field is hidden if you do not have Costpoint Inventory.

Ship Via

Enter the shipping method for the requisitioned item.

Deliver To

Enter the delivery destination for the requisitioned item.

Drop Ship

Select this check box to create requisitions for drop shipment items.

Overshipments Allowed

Select this check box to allow overshipments for this requisition line.

Receipt Tolerance

This field displays the overship tolerance percentage for this requisition line.

Approval Process

This field displays the approval process code for this requisition line. If you enter an Order Reference in for this requisition line and you selected Global in the Process Assignments group box on the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen, the selected approval process in the Process Assignments group box is loaded into this field.

This field displays if the approval level on the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen is Requisition Line, which means that approvals are performed for each requisition line.


This field displays the commodity code of the requisitioned item. You can modify this field only when it is blank.


Enter, or click to select, the operation code associated with the manufacturing order for this requisition. If there is a subcontract for the manufacturing order, this field displays S.


Enter, or click to select, the identification code of the planner assigned to this requisition line.

Industry Class

Enter, or click to select, the industry classification code for this requisition line.


Enter, or click to select, the NAICS code for the item or miscellaneous charge for this requisition line. If you change an item or a miscellaneous charge on the requisition line, Costpoint loads a new NAICS code associated with the new entries.

BOM Configuration

Enter, or click to select, the bills of material (BOM) needed to determine requirements for a specific configuration for this requisition line.


Enter the national stock number (NSN) for this requisition line.


Enter the military specification number for this requisition line.

Order Reference

This field displays the order reference number for this requisition line. You can modify this field only when Costpoint did not automatically load the value.

Depending on the approval settings in the Processes Assignments group box in the Configure Purchase Requisitions Settings screen, you may be required to enter an Approval Process code. If the process assignment is Global, the Approval Process field in this table window automatically populates with the default value from the Configure Purchase Requisition Setting screen.

Order Ref Type

This field displays the order reference type (such as sales order or manufacturing order) for this requisition line.

Req Rev

This field displays the revision number of the requisition.

Line Rev

This field displays the revision number of this requisition line.

Header Notes

Enter additional information about the requisition at the header level.

Line Notes

Enter additional information about this requisition line.

Internal Notes

This field displays additional information about this requisition line as entered by the requisitioner.

Resource Exists

This is always disabled and will be selected if the user enters one or more rows in the Resources subtask for the requisition line.

Subcontractor Agreement

If this is selected, requisition lines can only be generated into a PO of type Subcontractor Agreement, Subcontractor Agreement Blanket, or Subcontractor Agreement Release.

If the requisition is specified as a Subcontractor Agreement, the buyer has to be authorized to enter a PO type of Subcontractor Agreement, Subcontractor Agreement Blanket, or Subcontractor Agreement Release.

US Citizenship Reqd

If selected, this check box indicates that the associated resource requires US citizenship.

ITAR Authorization Reqd

If selected, this check box indicates that the resource must be authorized for International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) restricted items.

Security Clearance System ID

This field displays the security clearance required for the resources associated with the requisition line.

Security Clearance Description

This field displays the description of the security clearance that the resource associated with the requisition needs to have.

Security Clearance Level

This field displays the level of the security clearance that the resource associated with the requisition needs to have.


If selected, this check box indicates that the the resource associated with the purchase order line has been cleared for sensitive compartmented information (SCI).


If selected, this check box indicates that the security clearance that the resource associated with the purchase order line has to be cleared for special access program (SAP).

Issuing Agency

This field displays the name of the agency that issued the security clearance.

Apply Exch Rate

Click this button to apply the exchange rate specified in the Exchange Rates subtask.




Hdr Txt

Click this link to open the Hdr Txt subtask and assign established standard text codes to a requisition header.

Hdr Approvals

Click this link to open the Hdr Approvals subtask and view information that is used to determine when the requisition becomes approved. This subtask is available when approvals are issued at the requisition level (that is, you have selected the Requisition option for the approval level in the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen), and the requisition status is not pending.

Exchange Rates

Click this link to open the Exchange Rates subtask and maintain the transaction currency, rate groups, and exchange rates for the requisition. This link is disabled if you do not have access to Costpoint Multicurrency.

Hdr Documents

Click this link to open the Hdr Documents subtask and assign documents to the requisition header. These documents are pre-established within Costpoint Product Definition or added by requisition.


Click this link to open the Serial/Lot subtask to enter and assign new serial and lot numbers to inventory parts that require serial and/or lot tracking.


Click this link to open the Accounts subtask and distribute requisition line charges to single or multiple project/account/organization combinations

Currency Line

Click this link to open the Currency Line subtask and view requisition line amounts in both transaction and functional currencies. This subtask is enabled if the transaction and functional currencies are different in the Exchange Rates subtask. This subtask is disabled if you do not have access to Costpoint Multicurrency.

Line Text

Click this link to open the Line Text subtask and set up standard text for a requisition line.

Line Charges

Click this link to open the Line Charges subtask and set up additional estimated charges for a line item.

Ref Quotes

Click this link to open the Ref Quotes subtask and add quote information for a requisition line item or reference existing vendor quotes that were used by the buyer to source the requisitioned item.


Click this link to open the RFQs subtask and can create or link a request for quote to this requisition line item.

Assign PO

Click this link to open the Assign PO subtask and assign a requisition to a purchase order.

Header SOW

Click this link to open the Header SOW subtask and view the relevant SOWs for the requisition in the header level.

Line SOW

Click this link to open the Line SOW subtask and view the relevant SOWs for the requisition in the line level.


Click this link to open the Resources subtask and view the resources available for the requisition.

Line Approvals

Click this link to open the Line Approvals subtask and view approval status information for this requisition line. This subtask is available when approvals are issued at the requisition line level (that is, you have selected the Requisition Line option for the approval level in the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen), and the requisition status is not pending.

Line Documents

Click this link to open the Line Documents subtask and assign documents to the purchase requisition line. These documents are pre-established within Costpoint Product Definition or added by requisition.

Proj Sub Parts

Click this link to open the Proj Sub Parts subtask and view the substitute parts that are available for substitution.

Link SCI/SAP Security Codes

Click this link to open the Link SCI/SAP Security Codes subtask to view the security codes of the requisition.

Delivery Schedule

Click this link to open the Delivery Schedule subtask to display and enter the delivery schedule of the requisition.