Use this screen to view items linked to proposals, and to manually select and load cost estimates. Use or to select a proposal, and the screen loads with all items, including proposal bills of material (PBOMs), used in that proposal. Once it is loaded, you can select individual items, and then:

The Proposal Item Costs subtask stores "this level" cost elements, while the main screen table window lists the proposal cost elements for each breakpoint. The proposal cost element represents the "this level" cost amount plus the rolled-up cost amounts from all of the part's PBOM components. If a part is not an assembly part (that is, it does not have a PBOM row for this proposal), the "this level" cost and the total cost should usually be equal.

Run the Compute Proposal Item Costs process whenever you modify a proposal or proposal BOM, so that the appropriate cost modifications roll up the new costs. When you recalculate, the Last Costed Date/Time field on the Manage Proposals screen is updated for this proposal ID.

Most of the maintenance activities that affect the proposal line item detail rows in the table window are performed within subtasks.

When you save cost information for a row, you may need to update the table window with the new cost information. In this case, run the Compute Proposal Item Costs process, then re-open the proposal record on this screen.

If you access a part on this screen and an Engineering Change Notice (ECN) exists for the part, the ECN ID displays as a warning.

Use both this screen and the Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates - Indented screen after processing proposal costs on the Compute Proposal Item Costs screen for the selected proposal ID.


Proposal, Rev

Click or to select a proposal ID. The proposal revision and proposal description display from the Manage Proposals screen.


This field displays the status of the proposal record on the Manage Proposals screen. Valid values are:

Display Make Parts

Select this check box to display all Make parts for the PBOM in the table window, in addition to all Buy parts. If you leave this check box clear, the table window displays Buy parts only.


This field displays the Customer ID assigned to the proposal on the Manage Proposals screen. The customer's name displays in the unlabeled field to the right.

Load Proposal Item Costs for Quantity Breakpoint

This field determines the quantity breakpoint level of cost information that displays in the table window. The default breakpoint level is 1. To view cost information for a different end-item quantity breakpoint level, select another level from the drop-down list. (You can do this before or after selecting a Proposal.)

If you were already viewing cost information for a proposal when you modified the breakpoint level, click in the toolbar to load the cost information for the new level. If you used subtasks to modify cost data for the currently displayed breakpoint level, Costpoint saves the modifications before loading the component costs for the newly selected breakpoint level.

For each PBOM line that has a proposal item row for that proposal, component part, and make/buy code, Costpoint determines the unit cost of that line by summing the cost elements for the selected breakpoint. If no matching proposal item row exists, the row's proposal cost and cost source fields are null.

Table Window

Item, Rev, Description

These fields display the item ID, revision number, and description from the PBOM line.


This field displays M (Make) or B (Buy) from the PBOM line to indicate whether you make this part or buy it. This setting loads from the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts), or the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).

Item Type

This field displays one of the following codes to indicate the type of item:

Provisional Part Type

This field displays the provisional part type from the PBOM line if the component part is a provisional part. This field is blank for standard parts. Establish provisional part types on the Manage Provisional Part Types screen, and assign them on the Manage Provisional Parts screen.


This field displays the inventory unit of measure for the part from the PBOM line. Assign the unit of measure on the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts), or on the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).

Proposal Costs Exist

If proposal costs exist for this proposal item row, this field displays Y (Yes), and the appropriate proposal cost fields are populated.

Proposal Total Unit Cost

This field displays the sum of the Proposal Direct Unit Cost and Proposal Burden Unit Cost.

Proposal Direct Unit Cost

The system calculates this field by summing the following unit cost amounts associated with the required breakpoint quantity:

material cost + labor cost + subcontract cost + miscellaneous 1 cost + miscellaneous 2 cost

Proposal Burden Unit Cost

The system calculates this field by summing the following cost amounts and burden rates (as specified on the Costing Parameters tab of the Manage Proposals screen) for the proposal row's selected breakpoint:

(material cost * material burden rate) + (labor cost * labor burden rate) + (subcontract cost * subcontractor burden rate) + (miscellaneous 1 cost * miscellaneous 1 burden rate) + (miscellaneous 2 cost * miscellaneous 2 burden rate)

Proposal Extended Cost

This amount represents the total unit cost multiplied by the total quantity of this part that is required for the selected proposal breakpoint. Any fixed costs associated with this part are added to this amount. The system calculates this field by summing the following for the proposal row's selected breakpoint:

(Proposal Total Unit Cost * quantity of this part required for the selected end item's breakpoint quantity) + Fixed Cost

Cost Source Type

This field displays the type of the cost source (for example, a purchase order or vendor quote) that was used to determine the unit costs for this part at this quantity breakpoint. Establish cost source types and descriptions on the Manage Materials Estimating Cost Source Types screen.

Cost Source Type Description

This field displays the description of the Cost Source Type.

Cost Source Number

This field displays the ID of the cost source (usually an order or quote number) that was used to determine the unit costs for this part at this quantity breakpoint. View additional cost source details in the Proposal Item Costs subtask.

Proposal Qty Breakpoint 1 to 5

These fields display the quantity breakpoint for each item by multiplying the part's end item quantity by the breakpoint quantity on this screen's header for each proposal quantity break field.

Available Inventory Qty

This field displays the available inventory of the part. This field defaults from the Available Inventory Qty field in the Inventory subtask.

Net Required Extended Cost

This field displays the total cost of the item. It is calculated as follows:

Proposal Total Unit Cost * (the proposal quantity based on the selected breakpoint number - Available Inventory Qty) + Fixed Cost

If the result is less than zero, this field displays zero.

Min/Mult Lot Extended Cost

This value determines the cost if you meet the minimum or multiple lot size rules when buying or making the part.

Do not use this field for subassemblies.

The Min/Mult Lot Extended Cost is calculated if:

The following table outlines the conditions for calculating the Min/Mult Lot Extended Cost. If the 1st condition above is true, then:

Minimum Lot Size Quantity

Multiple Lot Size Quantity

Min/Mult Lot Extended Cost is calculated as:

Greater than or equal to the proposal quantity (based on the selected breakpoint number) - Available Inventory Qty


(Proposal Total Unit Cost * part's minimum lot size quantity) + Fixed Cost

Less than the proposal quantity (based on the selected breakpoint number) - Available Inventory Qty

Equal to 0

Equal to Net Required Extended Cost

Less than the proposal quantity (based on the selected breakpoint number) - Available Inventory Qty

Greater than 0

Proposal Total Unit Cost * (smallest multiple of the Multiple Lot Size Quantity that is greater than or equal to the proposal quantity, based on the selected breakpoint number - Available Inventory Qty) + Fixed Cost

Fixed Cost

This field defaults from the Fixed Cost field in the Proposal Item Costs subtask. It represents the costs associated with a part, regardless of the number of units ordered or built.

Total Fixed Cost

This field displays the rolled-up fixed costs for each level. The total fixed cost amount for the top level is cumulative.


This field displays the commodity code for the selected part from the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts), or the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts). Establish commodity codes on the Manage Commodity Codes screen.

Industry Class

This field displays the industry classification code for the selected part from the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts), or the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts). Establish industry classification codes on the Manage Industry Classifications screen.


This field displays the valid NAICS code for the item/rev on the proposal line.

Always Quote

This field displays Y (Yes) if the Always Quote check box is selected in the Planning subtask on the Manage Parts screen. This indicates that vendor quotes are required when you use this part for estimating. This field displays N (No) if the Always Quote check box is clear.

Breakpoint Quantity

This field displays the quantity being proposed for the proposal quantity breakpoint selected in the header part.

Minimum Lot Size, Multiple Lot Size

These fields display the minimum lot size and multiple lot size based on the Policy Type in the Planning subtask on the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts), or the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).

Common Stock

This field displays Y (Yes) if the Common Stock check box is selected in the Planning subtask on the Manage Parts screen, which indicates that this part is not tied to a particular project, but is ordered as part of a common pool of items. This field displays N (No) if the Common Stock check box is clear.

Part Type

This field displays the component type code that was assigned to this component part on the Manage Proposal Bills of Material screen. Valid options are:

The component type code is assigned to the part in the Part Type drop-down list on the Manage Parts screen (for regular parts), or the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).

Part Status

This field displays the release status of the component part from the Manage Proposal Bills of Material screen. If the component is a provisional part, this field displays Provisional. If the component is a standard part, this field defaults from the Manage Parts screen with one of the following:

Last Costed Date/Time

This field displays the date and time when the proposal was last calculated. This field updates each time a line is calculated on the Compute Proposal Item Costs screen.

Procurement Type

This field displays the Procurement Type code from the Request for Quote Defaults tab of the Manage Proposals screen. Procurement type codes default for the RFQ that is generated from this proposal. You can establish procurement type codes on the Manage Procurement Types screen.

Proposal Item Notes

This field displays notes about this item line from the Notes tab of the Manage Proposals screen.




Propasal Item Costs

Click this link to access the Proposal Item Costs subtask, which lets you view and maintain proposal item cost rows for the selected part row.

Matl Costs WS

Click this link to access the Materials Cost Worksheet subtask, which lets you view all quote, purchase order line, PO line history, and vendor quote history information for the selected row, and add lines to the proposal item costs.


Click this link to access the Request for Quotes subtask, which lets you view all RFQ lines for the selected row.


Click this link to access the Inventory subtask, which lets you view all inventory rows for the selected item/component part row on the main screen.

Alternate Parts

Click this link to access the Alternate Parts subtask, which lets you view alternate parts by manufacturer and vendor for the selected part row.


Click this link to access the assigned Vendor subtask, which lets you view information about the vendors from which an item is purchased.

PBOM Detail

Click this link to access the PBOM Detail subtask, which lets you view a single-level listing of PBOM assemblies for the selected part and make/buy code combination for that proposal.

Other Cost WS

Click this link to access the Other Cost Worksheet subtask, which lets you view all manufacturing order, inventory, item cost, and project item cost information for the selected row, and add lines to the proposal item costs.

Add Quotes

Click this link to access the Add Quotes subtask, which lets you add new vendor quotes for the selected row.


Click this link to access the Routings subtask, which lets you view all applicable primary routings for the selected part on the main screen.

Substitute Parts

Click this link to access the Substitute Parts subtask, which lets you view substitute part information for the selected part.

Part Documents

Click this link to access the Part Documents subtask, which lets you view all documents that are related to the selected component part line on the main screen.