Use this screen to enter proposal information after establishing item, customer, catalog, and organization information. You must create a proposal ID before you can assign a Proposal Bills of Material (PBOM).

This screen has four tabs:

Proposals define the items to cost for a Request for Proposal (RFP), and allow you to summarize estimated costs within a proposal. When you set up a proposal ID on this screen, the proposal generates costs throughout Materials Estimating.

Each proposal can have up to 999 alphanumeric revisions, each with different end items, PBOMs, and quantity breakpoints. Therefore, you can have multiple proposal rows with the same proposal ID, as long as different revisions are used, and Costpoint treats each revision as a separate proposal. Each proposal/revision combination can have an unlimited number of end items (parts, goods, services, and provisional parts) and PBOMs, with up to five quantity breakpoints per end item. Load end items onto this screen directly from a price catalog through the Autoload Catalog subtask or load project contract line item number (CLIN) list through the Autoload CLIN subtask.

You can clone proposals, but you must recopy PBOM and component cost information by using the Copy Proposal Bills of Material screen. There, you can specify a manufacturing, engineering, or proposal BOM to copy into the proposal BOM for the proposal end item. After you copy this information, you can further manipulate the PBOM for the end item on this screen. Enter burden rates by cost element in the Burden Rates by Cost Element group box in the Costing Parameters tab.

You can save a proposal with no end items (that is, proposal line rows), but no costing can occur until you enter and save at least one valid end item for the proposal record.



Proposal ID, Revision

Enter, or click to select, the ID of the proposal that you are adding to the database. Each proposal ID can have up to 20 alphanumeric characters and up to 999 alphanumeric revisions. Costpoint treats each revision as a separate proposal.


Enter a name for this proposal. For easier identification, give a name that describes the proposal ID and revision.

Table Window


Click to add a new line in the table window. Costpoint automatically assigns the next sequential number. The cursor stays at the Line field.

You cannot repeat line numbers on this screen.

End Item, Rev, Description

You can enter an unlimited number of end items for a proposal/revision record; however, you can enter only up to five quantity breakpoints for each proposal end item. You can enter each end item as an active standard part, good, service, or provisional part.

After beginning a new line, enter, or click to select, the ID of a part, service, or good defined in Costpoint Product Definition. You can also use the lookup to select a provisional part ID that was defined on the Manage Provisional Parts screen. The end item, revision, and description default into their respective fields for the selected line.

If you manually enter a part that does not exist in Costpoint, the system displays a message that tells that the part is not valid. The message also suggests that you can enter new provisional part data through the Create Provisional Part subtask. You can create the part without leaving the application. This information is then available in any application that uses provisional parts.

You can also load an entire product catalog of items or a list of items for a given project contract line item number (CLIN) through the Autoload Catalog or Autoload CLIN subtasks, respectively.

Item Type

The item type displays in this field, identifying this end item as one of the following:


This field displays one of the following values. You can also edit it when select one of the following from the drop-down list:

The value in this field defaults from the Manage Parts screen for standard parts, or the Manage Provisional Parts screen for provisional parts.

Provisional Part Type

If the end item is a provisional part, this field displays the provisional part type that is associated with it on the Manage Provisional Parts screen. Establish provisional part types on the Manage Provisional Part Types screen. This field is blank if the end item is not a provisional part.


This field displays the default unit of measure for the end item, assigned on the Manage Parts screen for standard parts, or the Manage Provisional Parts screen for provisional parts.

Proposal Qty Break 1

Enter the quantity breakpoint for the end item line.

The number of Proposal Qty Break columns in the table window corresponds to the number you select from the Quantity Breakpoints drop-down list. If you select 5, there will be five Proposal Qty Break columns.


Enter the proposal work breakdown structure (WBS) ID to which the end item is assigned.

PBOM Exists

This field displays Y (Yes) if the end item exists as a proposal bills of materials (PBOM) assembly for the proposal/revision. If Y displays in this field, the PBOM Status displays from the Manage Proposal Bills of Material screen. This field displays N (No) if no PBOM assembly exists.

PBOM Status

If a PBOM exists, this field displays the assembly's PBOM status from the Manage Proposal Bills of Material screen which can be F (Firmed) or U (Unfirmed).

Total Lead Time

This field displays the total lead time in days for this part. Assign total lead time to standard parts on the Manage Parts screen. Assign total lead time to provisional parts on the Manage Provisional Parts screen.


This field displays the yield percentage for this assembly part, as defined in the Assembly Details of the Manage Proposal Bills of Material screen.

Planned Yield Qty Break 1

The table window displays one Planned Yield Qty Break column for each corresponding Proposal Qty Break column. These fields are non-editable. The system calculates the value in this field as follows:

Proposal Qty Break x Yield = Planned Yield Quantity Break




Autoload Catalog

Click this link to access the Autoload Catalog subtask, which lets you load an entire product catalog of items into the table window.

Autoload CLIN

Click this link to access the Autoload CLIN subtask, which lets you load a list of items for a given project contract line item number (CLIN) into the table window.

Create Provisional Part

Click this link to access the Create Provisional Part subtask, which lets you create a provisional part for this proposal.