Use this screen to manually create and maintain proposal bills of material (PBOM) records after you have established parts and provisional parts. PBOMs consist of components and subassemblies for a specific proposal/revision and assembly combination. Unlike engineering bills of material (EBOMs) and manufacturing bills of material (MBOMs), PBOMs are not completely modular. Since all PBOM rows are linked to a specific proposal/revision combination, an assembly part can have multiple PBOMs.

You can assign specific work breakdown structure (WBS) elements to each BOM structure for additional sorting and rollup options. You can populate PBOMs with standard parts as assemblies or components, or use provisional parts. You can enter up to five quantity breakpoints for each proposal end item.

Although a proposal may include goods and services in addition to parts, the PBOM must include only standard and provisional parts.

You can copy PBOM information on the Copy Proposal Bills of Material screen, and you can replace or delete component information on the Apply Mass Component Changes to Proposal BOMs screen.



Proposal, Rev

Enter, or click to select, the proposal ID, revision number, or description for a proposal record. Enter proposal IDs and revisions on the Manage Proposals screen.

Assembly Part, Rev

Enter, or click to select the assembly or parent part ID, revision, or description for this PBOM. This required field of up to 30 alphanumeric characters must be a valid part ID from the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts), or from the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).

If you manually enter a part that does not exist in Costpoint, the system displays a message that will tell you that you can establish the unrecognized part ID as a provisional part through the Create Provisional Part subtask on this screen. If you enter the provisional part in this subtask, the information is then available in any application that uses provisional parts.

Assembly Details

Use this group box to view information about the selected assembly part, and to enter the assembly yield and notes.


This field displays either Make or Buy status of the assembly part from the Manage Parts screen.

Part Status

This field displays the release status of the assembly part from Product Definition. The values are:

PBOM Status

Select the status of the assembly part's bills of material from this drop-down list. The valid selections are:


This field displays the inventory unit of measure for the assembly from the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts), or from the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).

Provisional Part Type

If the assembly is a provisional part, this field displays the provisional part type code assigned to this provisional part on the Manage Provisional Parts screen. If the assembly part is a standard part from Product Definition, this field is blank.

PBOM Frozen

If you selected the Freeze PBOMs check box on the Manage Proposals screen for this proposal/revision, this field displays Y (Yes) to indicate that the proposal record is frozen and no modifications are permitted. If this field displays N (No), the Freeze PBOMs check box is not selected for the proposal record, and you can modify the PBOM.


Enter notes relating to the assembly part.

Part Lookup Type

Select the part lookup type from this drop-down list:


Enter the estimated yield percentage that is expected for this assembly part for manufacturing planning purposes. The default for this required field is 100.00%, but you can change it to any value between 0.00 and 999.99. This field affects the calculation in the Scrap/Yield Qty field in the table window.

Firm Components

Click this button to set the components for the PBOM lines to Firmed.

Table Window

Use this table window to add or modify component part information if the PBOM Frozen field is N (No). Click to enter values in the fields in this table.

Line No

When you click , a new line with the next sequential number is automatically assigned in the table window, and you can press TAB key to go to the Find No field. In this column, you can enter a line number though they must be unique, because lines cannot be repeated on this screen. You cannot use line numbers greater than 8,999.

Find No

Enter the drawing find number for this PBOM component line. This required field of up to four alphanumeric characters defaults to the next four-digit sequential number for each line.

Component Part

Enter, or click to select, the component part ID for this PBOM line. This required field of up to 30 alphanumeric characters must be a valid part ID from the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts), or from the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).

If you manually enter a part that does not exist in Costpoint, the system displays a message that will inform that you can establish the unrecognized part ID as a provisional part in the Create Provisional subtask. This information is then available in any application that uses provisional parts.

Component Rev

Enter, or click to select, the component part revision for this PBOM line. This field can have up to three alphanumeric characters, and must be a valid revision number for the part from the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts), or from the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).

Component Description

This field displays the description of the selected component part/revision. If you have not selected a component part/revision, you can click to select the component description for this PBOM line.

Provisional Part Type

This field displays the provisional part type if the component part is a provisional part. Establish provisional part types on the Manage Provisional Part Types screen, and assign them on the Manage Provisional Parts screen.


This field displays the inventory unit of measure for the component part from the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts), or from the Manage Provisional Part Types screen (for provisional parts).

Component Type

Select the component type code from this drop-down list. This field defaults from the value from the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts) or from the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts). The component type codes are:

Quantity Type

Select the corresponding quantity type code from this drop-down list to specify how component requirements are calculated. The options are are:

The default value in this field depends on the Component Type and the setting of the As-Required check box on the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts), or the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).


Enter the component part quantity for the PBOM in this required field.


Enter the percentage (from 0.00 to 99.99) of this component that you expect to be lost when manufacturing this assembly. For standard parts, this numeric field defaults from the Manage Parts screen. For provisional parts, this field defaults from the Default Scrap % field on the Manage Provisional Parts screen.

Scrap/Yield Qty

This field displays the scrap quantity that you expect to be lost when manufacturing this assembly. The calculation is: Quantity x (1 + Scrap %)/Yield % (from the Assembly Details group box).


Select whether the standard or provisional part is Make or Buy from the drop-down list. This setting defaults from the Manage Parts screen (for standard parts), or the Manage Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).

Component Firmed

Select this check box if this component is considered firmed for pricing purposes. This field defaults to a clear check box if the PBOM Status field is Unfirmed.

Component Part Status

This field displays the release status of the standard or provisional part. If the component is a provisional part, this field displays Provisional. However, if the component is a standard part, this field defaults one of the following settings from the Manage Parts screen:


Enter the work breakdown structure (WBS) code for this component for cost rollup purposes. The work breakdown structure allows you to enter a value that serves as a method of summarizing costs (for example, a project for each line).

Stop Explosion

Select this check box if the components of this part are not to be exploded for costing purposes. If the Make/Buy field is Buy and the Component Type field is not Buy with Component, this field defaults to a selected check box. The check box is clear if the Component Type field is changed to Phantom or Standard, and the Make/Buy field is Make.

Omit Requirements

Select this check box if the components of this part are not to be used for costing purposes. This field displays a selected check box if the Component Type field is changed to Tool or Reference. The check box is clear if you modify the Component Type to Buy with Component, Standard, or Phantom.

PBOM Line Notes

Enter notes about this PBOM line.

Product Option

Enter, or click to select, the code of the product option that can be used to replace the component part. This optional field specifies which optional component item, if any, you can use in place of the default component item. Use the screens in the Materials » Product Definition » Product Billing menu to establish and maintain this information.

Using the lookup in this field displays all product option codes for parts. If you load a Product Option, the Component Part field for the line is replaced with the selected product option item. The lookup data for component parts includes the product option, description, item, revision, and currency linked to that Product Option.

PBOM Exists

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the selected component part exists in a PBOM subassembly for this proposal/revision.

Calculate Scrap/Yield Qty

Click this button to calculate the scrap/yield quantity for the PBOM lines.




Part Documents

Click this link to access the Part Documents subtask, which lets you view / maintain information about the selected assembly part.

Create Provisional Part

Click this link to access the Create Provisional Part subtask, which lets you create provisional part for this assembly.

Alternate Parts

Click this link to access the Alternate Parts subtask, which lets you view alternate part information by manufacturer and vendor for the component part you selected in the table window.

Substitute Parts

Click this link to access the Component Substitute Parts subtask, which lets you view substitute part information for the component part you selected in the table window.

Part Documents

Click this link to access the Part Documents subtask, which lets you view or maintain information about the selected component part you selected in the table window.

Create Provisional Part (found at the bottom of the screen)

Click this link to access the Create Provisional Part subtask, which lets you create provisional part for the component part you selected in the table window.

Product Option Items

Click this link to access the Product Option Items subtask, which lets you view information on the product option that can be used to replace the component part you selected in the table window.