Scheduled Tab of the Reporting Form

Use the Scheduled tab to view or edit the reports that are scheduled to run at another time. For example, you can schedule reports to be generated after normal business hours.

Reports are scheduled using the Schedule dialog box. See the Schedule Dialog Box and Schedule a Report to Run Later help topics for more information.

About Security Rights and Scheduled Reports

You can edit scheduled reports that you created. Your assigned security role determines your access to scheduled reports that others created. Only a report administrator has the appropriate security role and access rights to view and edit all scheduled reports. For more information, see Settings and Reporting.

Scheduled Reports Grid

This grid lists the reports currently scheduled to be processed.
Note: This grid displays only scheduled reports that were generated in the language that you specified when you logged in for your current session. If you need to edit a report that was scheduled in another language, you must log in under that language. For more information, see Multiple Languages and Reporting.

The Scheduled Report grid columns include:

Field Description
Status This column displays the status of each scheduled report that you created. Apply these filters as needed to adjust the list of scheduled reports to show the status of the reports. Click the in the Status column to add additional status filter options. To remove a status filter, click the x in the pill. The report statuses are defined as:
  • Waiting: The report is waiting in the queue to be run, in the order scheduled, by the process server.
  • Running: The report is running.
  • Hold: The report is on hold.
  • Failed: The report failed to process completely. Your administrator can review the reason for the failure in Utilities > Process Server > Queue Manager.
  • Complete:The report completed processing successfully.
  • Cancelled: A user cancelled the report.
  • Recurring: The report is set to recur based on the established frequency.
Description This column displays the name of the scheduled report. Click the blue hypertext link to open the scheduled report in the Reporting [Editing Scheduled Report] form. You can edit both the report and scheduling options on the Schedule dialog box. See the Edit a Scheduled Report help topic for more detailed information.
Profile Profiles are used for processes that you run repeatedly or on a regular basis. You use the Profile Editor to submit a profile to a process queue. If a profile was for the scheduled report, this column displays the name of the profile.

For example, you can set up profiles for reports that you run and distribute to your team each week. These profiles enable you to select the processes and parameters for the group of reports instead of individually, which saves time because you do not need to select each process manually.

See the Profile Editor Utility help topic for more information.

Start After This column displays the date and time on which the report will be run or after that date and time. If a report runs after the date and time specified, it is typically because another process with a higher priority is running.
Finished This column displays the date and time the report finished running.
Submitter This column displays the name of the user who submitted the job. If you are a report administrator, you can select another name from this filter to view and edit other users' reports.

Reports Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Click this icon to maximize the grid to a full-screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click it again to return to the standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to export all the data from the grid to a comma-separated values (CSV) file that you save in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet application that supports CSV files. For more information, see Exporting Data to a CSV File.
Click this icon to turn the filter row on or off in the grid. The filter row is used to quickly search for a report. For information about how filters work, see Filter the Grid Results.
At the right end of the report row, click this icon and then select any of the following options.
Grid Option Description
Edit Scheduled Reports After setting up and running scheduled reports, you have the option to edit the report. Select Edit Scheduled Report to open the report's options page.

Use this page to edit the recipients of the report and the email notification information, as well as to make changes to the report options. For example, when you schedule a report to run every day after normal business hours, but you want to change the team members that receive notification that the report was generated, you can use this option.

Hold Hover over a scheduled report and click this option to place a scheduled report on hold. Do this if you need to edit report options before it runs.
Release Select a scheduled report and click this option to release a scheduled report that has a status of Hold.
Cancel Select a scheduled report and click this option to stop the scheduled report from running. You can cancel scheduled reports only if they have a status of Waiting or Hold.
Resubmit Select a scheduled report and click this option to resubmit the report that is Waiting, on Hold, or Cancelled.
Delete Select a scheduled report and click this option to delete the submitted report from a process queue.

You may need to delete a scheduled report if you submitted a report with the wrong options.

You can only delete a scheduled report. If you resubmit a report, it will run immediately. If you need to change the schedule for the report, click on the report name, select the Other Actions menu, and click the Edit Scheduled Report option.