Edit a Scheduled Report

After you set up and run a scheduled report, you can edit the report as needed. Use the Edit Scheduled Report form to edit report options, columns, user-defined fields, properties, and formats and also to update the processing schedule for the report.

Edit Scheduled Report Example: When you schedule a report to run every day after normal business hours, but you later want to change the team members who receive a notification about the generated report, you can update the team member notifications by selecting Other Actions > Edit Schedule Options on the Reporting [Edit Scheduled Report] form.

To edit a scheduled report:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select My Stuff > Reporting to display the Reporting form.
  2. Select the Scheduled tab to view a list of your scheduled reports.
  3. In the Scheduled Reports grid, select the report name link.
    The individual report form opens in a new browser page.
  4. On the Reporting [Edit Schedule Report] form, do the following:
    1. Edit the report's options, columns, formats, and other properties and also update record selections that you want to include in the report. See the Schedule a Report to Run Later (Browser) help topic for more detailed information on these options and properties.
      Caution: Use of operators, such as "is mine," should be used with care because they are associated with the records of the employee who runs the report. If you schedule a report using an operator "is mine," "is my," or "is me," the scheduled report's records will include the records associated with your employee record. For example, if you run a project list that includes the condition Projects - Organization is Mine, then the list of projects in the report will always be projects in your organization regardless of other employees' organizations. However, if another employee edits the scheduled report, then the "is mine" operator will apply to that employee and the report will include projects from that employee's organization instead.
    2. Select Other Actions > Edit Schedule Options to schedule a report and other properties.
      If you want to update the email for a scheduled report, select Other Actions > Edit Schedule Options. If you select the Other Actions > Email option, the email message is sent immediately to the recipients, which prevents you from updating report properties and scheduling when the email message will be sent.
    3. On the Schedule dialog box, use the Distribution and Recurrence tabs to update email recipients, create a report archive, edit email and notification requirements, and edit a recurring report's schedule.
  5. Click the Save Scheduled Report action.

    The updated report appears in the Scheduled tab list with its updated selections and properties.