Changing Column Properties on Chart Widgets

To change column properties on chart widgets

  1. Click > to open Design mode, and click the tab you want.
  2. In the Tab Properties area, click Add Widget or on a chart widget you want to change, click to open the widget menu and click Edit.
  3. Click on a column.
  4. Edit column properties:
  • Change the Heading
  • Change the color
  • Add group options including grouping by date
  • Change the chart type
  • Choose to stack columns
  • Change display options:
Display on 2nd Axis Select to display the column data on a 2nd axis
Display as Plot Line Select to display the column data as a plot line
Display by Period Select to display the column data by period
Display Values on Graph Select to display the column data values on the chart
Display Zero Amounts Select to display zero amounts from the column data on the chart
  1. Apply filters.
  2. To preview the widget, click the Refresh button next to Widget Preview.

  3. Click to save changes.

To add stacked columns

Stacking is only available for bar and column type widgets.

  1. In the column properties box, click on the Stack With drop down menu.
  2. Select Edit Stacked List.
  3. Enter a name for the stacked column list.
Note: You cannot rename a column. To change the name, you have to remove the list and add a new one.
  1. Click OK to return to the Properties window.
  2. To delete a stacked list, click the X next to the name.
  3. To apply a stacked option to a column select the name from the Stack With list.