Setting conditional formatting

Set conditional formatting so that specific information stands out when it meets the condition you specify.

To set conditional formatting:

  1. In the Tab Properties area, click Add Widget or on a table widget you want to change, click to open the widget menu and click Edit.
  2. For the table, click Edit Table Options.
  3. For a column, click on the column and set conditional formatting in the Properties box.

Conditional formatting options

  • Click the Foreground box and select a color for the text.

  • Click the Background box and select a color for the background.
  • In the Column drop-down, select a column.
  • In the Apply to Level drop-down, select a level to apply the conditional formatting (depends on the grouping applied).
  • In the Operator field, select an operator, if available (depends on the column's data type):
  • > (greater than)
  • >= (greater than or equal to)
  • < (less than)
  • <= (less than or equal to)
  • <> (not equal to)
  • Is One Of
  • Is Not One Of
  • Between
  • Contains
  • In the last field, enter a value. The value you enter depends on the Base. For example, enter a number for an amount Base but select a date for a date Base.
  • If you want to delete the condition, click X.