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About designing Ajera dashboards

Dashboards are visual tools that you can design to represent exactly what your company needs. Dashboards are built with widgets and tabs. These interactive building blocks give you the ability to design specific dashboards for specific roles and employees.

Ajera comes with out-of-the-box dashboard templates that you can edit to fit the information needs of your firm and your employees. Only the designer with the appropriate security role and dashboard designer settings can make those changes.

What employees see on their dashboards depends on their security and access settings. You can set Designer security to allow specific roles or individual employees to design their own dashboards, to design dashboards for others, or not to design any dashboards. You can also restrict what type of information dashboard designers can access on their dashboards, including labor cost, general ledger detail, employee information, or restricted custom fields.

Video: Creating a table widget (5:38)

Video: Editing a table widget (5:48)

Video: Table widgets: formulas and formatting (4:38)

Video: Edit Dashboard layout (1:34)

Video: Creating chart widgets (8:20)

How it works in Ajera

Learn more about each step in the designing dashboard workflow, illustrated below. Click on each task for step-by-step instructions.



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