Viewing dashboard information

To view dashboard information:

Click a relevant tab at the top of the dashboard and do any of the following to:

  • Return to the previous page within Ajera, click
    Note: If you click your browser's Back button, it returns you to the previous webpage in your browser not your previous Ajera page.

  • Return to the Home page, click > .
  • Access the main menu, click
  • Refresh your dashboard information and Ajera menu, click .
    Note: If you click your browser's refresh button, it reloads Ajera and resets your page. This takes more time than the Ajera refresh.

To view chart information

Click tab at the top of the dashboard and do any of the following:

  • View more details: Click a linked shape in a chart to go to the related tab.
  • Hide a shape in a chart: Click the variable for that shape in the legend. To display it, click the variable again.
  • View related information in a child widget that is blank: Click a shape in the parent widget. The child widget populates with information related to the selected shape.

To view table information

Click a tab at the top of the dashboard and do any of the following:

  • Print: Click the Print button in your browser or press Ctrl+P on your keyboard.
    Your browser determines the quality of your printout.
  • Drill down for more details: Click the blue text, which indicates that your Ajera Administrator created a link to another tab.
  • See the full list of information: Click .
  • View more than the first 500 results (if available): Click the 1-500 button at the bottom of the table. This button changes to 501-1,000, 1,001-1,500, and so on, as needed.
  • Expand or collapse information: Click or .
  • View related information in a child widget - which is blank - click a row in the parent widget. The child widget populates with information related to the selected row.
  • Filter, sort, and/or group on columns.
  • Search a text column by keyword: Click the column heading, enter the keyword, and click Search. All matching results appear in the table. More details


  • The search is not case-sensitive.
  • You cannot search for a blank field.
  • You can search only one column at a time.
  • Clicking removes any search you applied.
  • The percentage character (%) is the wild card character. For example, searching by ZZ%-A on the Project ID column could return ZZ-A, ZZ1247-A, and ZZ-12/27/2012-A.
  • If the keyword includes the percentage (%), underscore (_), or left bracket ([ ) character, enclose the character in brackets. For example, enter 25[%] for 25%, pat[_] for, and Accutera-[[]Oakland Heights] for Accutera-[Oakland Heights].
  • You cannot search on the Revenue or Revenue Detail widgets.