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Using the timer without tracking start/stop times

This feature is only available from > Manage > Time & Expense and is not available for > Manage > Timesheets.

Use the timer to automatically record hours when entering time.

The behavior of the timer depends on whether or not you are tracking work start and stop times.

This topic describes what happens if you are not tracking start/stop times. In this case, you can record multiple intervals of regular time and overtime per timesheet cell while entering time. Ajera adds each successive interval to the total regular time or overtime recorded for the cell, and displays no start and stop times in the Hours Detail table.

If you are tracking start/stop times, see Using the timer to track start/stop times.

Ajera Mobile Timesheets: You cannot track start and stop times with Ajera Mobile Timesheets on your mobile device.

Recording one time interval

  1. From > Manage menu, click Time & Expense, and do the following:
  • Open a new timesheet:
  1. On the My Time tab, click the New button.
  2. For the timesheet ending date, either leave the date that appears or change it to reflect the date you want to enter time for.
  3. Click OK.
  • Open an existing timesheet:
  1. On the My Time tab, click the date for the timesheet you want to open, and click Edit .
  1. Click the cell where you want to add time.
  2. Click the Timer button. The Timer appears displaying the current time, and it begins counting.

The timer counts time based on the time increment that was selected on the Time & Expense Entry tab of the Company Preferences window. For example, if the time increment is set at Half Hour, the timer counts time in half-hour increments.

You can also change the elapsed time by clicking the plus or minus button to change the time by the time increment set in company preferences. However, if no time increment was selected in the Company Preferences window, the plus and minus buttons do not appear.

  1. When you want to stop counting time, click the Stop Timer button. The time you worked appears in the cell.
  2. If you restart the timer for the same cell on your timesheet, the timer automatically adds the second session to the regular time recorded for the cell. Each subsequent session is added to the regular-time total.

To record overtime, click the Overtime row in the Hours Detail table before clicking the Timer button. You can add subsequent sessions to the overtime total, if needed.

  1. If it happens that you did not work on the project during all the time you used the timer, you can change the hours in the Hours Detail table.



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