You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > time > Tracking in/out times

Tracking in/out times

You can record in and out times for events, such as lunch/breaks, in the timesheet.

Ajera Mobile Timesheets: You cannot track in and out times with Ajera Mobile Timesheets on your mobile device.

Before you begin

  • On the > Company > Preferences > Time & Expense Entry tab, select the Track Start & Stop Times check box.
  • Change the overhead groups for which you want to track in/out times:

  • Add a row for each in time and a row for each out time. Example:

  • Work Day In
  • Work Day Out
  • Lunch In
  • Lunch Out
  • In each of these rows, select an overhead project to track the overhead time, select a phase and activity, and leave the Pay field blank.

To track in/out times

  1. From the > Manage menu, click Time & Expense.
  1. On the My Time tab, click the New button.
  2. For the timesheet ending date, either leave the date that appears or change it to reflect the date you want to enter time for. Click OK.
  1. Click (Customize) and select the Start/Stop Time check box. Click OK.

  1. In the Overhead table, click the cell where you want to track the in time. A red border indicates that the cell is selected. Example:

  • In the Work Day In row, click the cell for Monday.

  1. In the Hours Detail table, type the time in the Start Time cell and press the Tab key. In the Overhead table, 0 appears in the Total column. Example:

  • In the Regular row, type 8:00 AM for the start time.


For each overhead group item, enter only a start time or only a stop time. If you enter both, Ajera automatically calculates the interval and enters the total time into the Overhead table.

  1. In the Overhead table, click the cell where you want to track the out time. A red border indicates that the cell is selected. Example:

  • In the Work Day Out row, click the cell for Monday.

  1. In the Hours Detail table, type the time in the End Time cell and press the Tab key. In the Overhead table, 0 appears in the Total column. Example:

  • In the Regular row, type 5:00 PM for the end time.
  1. Click Save.




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