You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > time > Copying a timesheet

Copying a timesheet

To copy a timesheet

  1. From the > Manage menu, click Time & Expense.
  2. On the My Timesheets tab, click the New button.
  3. For the timesheet date, either leave the date that appears or change it to reflect the date you want to enter time for.
  4. Select the Copy timesheet from check box, and click the date of the timesheet you want to copy.
  5. Click OK. The timesheet appears.
  6. Change the timesheet, as needed.
  7. Do one of the following:
  • If you are not ready to submit the timesheet, click Close. You can open it later. Ajera saves it under its week ending date.
  • If you are finished with the timesheet and want to send it for approval, click the Submit button. Click Close.



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