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Entering a timesheet

Learning Resource: Time Entry Functional Guide

Before you begin

  • Check the Don't Allow Entries Prior To Date on the > Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab. You cannot enter time before that date.

To enter a timesheet

  1. From the > Manage menu, click Time & Expense.
  2. On the My Timesheets tab, click the New button.
  3. For the timesheet ending date, either leave the date that appears or change it to reflect the date to which you want to enter time.
Note: You can also enter your time by copying an existing timesheet.
  1. Click OK. Your timesheet appears. It consists of three areas for entering your time.

  1. Enter your time as follows:
To enter Do this

Direct or project time

  1. In the table at the top of the window, enter a project, phase, and then activity.

Multi-company only. If you enter time to a project that your company is not responsible for, Ajera creates intercompany entries. Be sure to reconcile your intercompany accounts regularly.


For more information about the project, phase, or activity , click (Customize) after clicking .

  1. Type the hours you worked on the project/phase/activity for each day of the week.
  2. If notes are required on the timesheet, a Notes window appears when you leave a timesheet cell. If you do not enter notes in that window, Ajera clears the time you just entered.
  3. Repeat these steps for each project/phase/activity you need to enter time for.

Overhead or nonproject time

  1. In the table in the middle of the window, type the hours in the cell that correspond to the type of overhead and day of the week for the time you want to enter.
  2. If notes are required on the timesheet, a Notes window appears when you leave a timesheet cell. If you do not enter notes in that window, Ajera clears the time you just entered.

You can also enter hours using the timer. You can use the timer to track start/stop times, or you can use the timer without tracking start/stop times.

When you click or tab to a cell, the Hours Detail table at the bottom of the window displays any detail for that cell.

  1. If you worked overtime or other premium time:
  • In the table for direct time or overhead time, click the applicable cell.
  • In the Hours Detail table, type the overtime or premium time hours. The cell in the table for direct time or overhead time is outlined in red to show it is where you are currently entering time.
  • In the Hours Detail table, change the regular hours, if needed, so the total number of hours you worked for that project/phase/activity on that day is correct.
  • If notes are required on the timesheet, enter them into the Notes field in the Hours Detail table. If you leave the Notes field without entering notes, a window appears reminding you that notes are required.

When you move out of a row in the Hours Detail table, the total number of hours appears in the cell in the table for direct time or overhead time. A plus sign (+) also appears to indicate that the cell total contains different types of hours in addition to regular time.

  1. To attach a note for hours you worked:
  • In the table at the top or in the middle of the window, click the applicable cell.
  • In the Hours Detail table, enter notes in the applicable cell.

A note symbol appears in the cell in the table at the top of the window to indicate that notes are attached. 

  1. If you enter a row by mistake, do one of the following:
  • Click the row, click the Delete button, and click Yes to delete it.
  • Right-click the row, click Delete Row, and click Yes to delete it.
  1. If you need to clear the contents of a timesheet cell, right-click the cell, click Clear contents, and click Yes to clear the contents of the cell.
  2. Do one of the following:
  • If you are not ready to submit the timesheet, click Close. You can open it later. Ajera saves it under its week ending date.
  • If you are finished with the timesheet and want to send it for approval, click the Submit button. Once you submit a timesheet, you can no longer change it unless you unsubmit it. Click Close.



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