Project Earnings report

Use this report to obtain a complete picture of your projects including billing, cost, and profit.

You can also use it to focus your marketing efforts on the most profitable project types and fee arrangements. As a principal, you can monitor a project manager’s profitability and manage the exceptions. The information on this report includes profit amounts and percent of profit.

You can do the following with this report:

  • Review Work-in-progress (WIP) and Receivables balances.
  • See a write-off amount when the WIP amount has been manually changed or the WIP status has been changed to Write-off
  • Optionally include overhead expenses in your project labor cost
  • Print it with labor only, or include expenses and or consultants

You can summarize information by project manager, principal in charge, project type, or department. You can drill down to project, phase, and full detail information.

Note: unavailable in ajeraCore - When using Business Development, note that this report includes amounts for production phases not linked to marketing phases and for production phases linked to marketing phases with a final disposition of Won.



Project manager

Marketing manager


Producing the report

From the > Reports menu, click Project > Project Earnings.

Report options

Option Description


Multi-company only. The report contains information for all companies in your organization, unless you select a specific company in this field.


The report contains information for all projects for the period selected, unless you select a specific project in this field.

Customize options

Option Description

Report title

You can change the title of the report.

Sort order

Sorts the report by project, project manager, billing manager, principal in charge, project type, client, or department. If you use multi-company, you can also sort by company.

Project status

Prints all projects or projects of a specific status

Include marketing phases

unavailable in ajeraCore

If selected, it includes Business Development marketing phases in the report.

Limit by

Only prints projects associated with the department, project manager, or principal-in-charge who is producing the report. You can print all projects by selecting No limit. If you use multi-company, you can also limit by company.

Profit basis

Includes spent, billed, or billed + WIP in the profit calculation. The profit amount reflects the profit basis option you select here (spent, billed, or billed + WIP) minus the cost.

Labor detail group

Prints the labor detail on the report according to the order you select

Expense and consultant detail group

Prints the expense and consultant detail according to the order you select

Include premium time in cost

If selected, it includes premium time in cost amounts.

Print overhead projects

If selected, it includes overhead projects in the report.

Cap profit at contract amount

If the Profit Basis (spent, billed, or billed plus WIP) amount exceeds the contract amount, the report uses the contract amount to calculate the profit. Otherwise, it calculates the profit using the Profit Basis amount selected. Calculations are made for each phase and then summed for the project total.

Hide write-off column

If selected, the column for write-off amounts does not appear on the report.

Include overhead in cost

If selected, it includes overhead in the cost amount.

Include expenses

If selected, it includes expense in report amounts.

Include consultants

If selected, it includes consultants in report amounts.

Use drilldown

If selected, you can drill down to further detail on the report. If cleared, all information, including the lowest level of detail, prints on the report.

Print notes

If selected, it displays at the detail level notes entered for time & expense.

Print customize options on reports

If selected, it prints a list of the options that you select.

Report contents

Column Description


The current status, as follows:

A - Active

P - Preliminary

W - Work hold

H - Hold

B - Billing hold

C - Closed

M - Marketing (unavailable in ajeraCore)


The contract amount for the project. (This includes expense/consultants if selected.)


The total amount of time and expense expended on the project at the billing rates/markups. Ajera determines the spent amount from the billing rate table.

Spent %

The percent of the contract amount for the project already spent:

% Spent = Spent Amount / Contract Amount 


The amount already billed for the project. This includes invoices that have a status of Final or Written-off. It does not include invoice adjustments or sales tax amounts.  

It includes invoice adjustments unless you select the > Manage > Project Command Center> Project Info tab > Billing subtab > Exclude from billed for reporting check box for an adjustment.

For Time & Expense projects, this amount equals the billed value of time (and expense/ consultants if selected) invoiced.

For fee-type projects, this amount equals the fee billed amount.

Billed %

The percent of the contract amount already billed for the project:

% Billed = Billed Amount/Contract Amount 


Billable time (and expense/consultant if selected) that has not yet been included on a Final client invoice


This amount reflects changes in Manage Client Invoices when:

  • You manually change a work-in-progress detail billed amount.
  • You change the status of WIP to Write-off.


Receivable amount owed to you. This amount includes invoice adjustments and sales tax 


The amount of time (and expense/consultant if selected) that you actually spent so far to complete the work associated with the billed amount. Includes cost of premium time if the Include premium time in cost customize option is selected.


The amount that the profit basis (spent, billed, or billed + WIP) exceeds the cost:

Profit = Profit Basis - Cost Amount

Profit %

The percent of the billed amount that is profit:

% Profit = Profit Amount/Profit Basis

Drilldown - phase:

Cost Hours/Units

The number of units. Units are measurable items associated with the cost entry, such as labor hours, blueprints, and mileage.

Cost Rate

The rate that reflects the actual cost marked up with overhead and profit multipliers.

For labor, the cost rate is the per hour rate paid to an employee.

For salaried employees, the cost rate is the salary divided by the number of standard hours in the pay period.  

For hourly employees, the cost rate is the regular pay rate.  

For expenses, the cost rate is the rate per unit for expenses, such as mileage, copies, and so on.

Cost Amount

The amount that you actually spent for work performed, or the out-of-pocket costs to the company for expenses and consultants. If the cost is associated with units, the cost equals Hours/Units * Cost Rate. Includes cost of premium time if the Include premium time in cost customize option is selected.

Spent Rate

The rate used to bill the client for work or expenses. Ajera determines the spent rate from the billing rate table. 

Spent Amount

The total amount of time and expense expended on the project at the billing rates/markups. Ajera determines the spent amount from the billing rate table.

Billed Hours / Units

The number of units billed. These units reflect any changes made in Manage Client Invoices. 

This amount only appears if the detail is included on a final invoice.

Billed Rate

The rate used to bill the client for work or expenses. Ajera determines the billing rate from the billing rate table. This rate reflects any changes made in Client Invoices. This amount only appears if the detail is included on a final invoice.

Billed Amount

The amount already billed for the phase. This amount reflects any changes made in Manage Client Invoices.  

It includes invoice adjustments unless you select the > Manage > Project Command Center> Project Info tab > Billing subtab > Exclude from billed for reporting check box for an adjustment.

The Billed Amount appears as zero in detail lines on the report when the phase is billed based on a fee amount. It indicates that you did not bill the client for individual time and expense because it is a project.


Billable time (and expense/consultant if selected) that has not yet been included on a Final client invoice


This amount reflects changes in Manage Client Invoices when:

  • You manually change a work-in-progress detail billed amount.
  • You change the status of WIP to Write-off.

For fee-type projects, the report columns Spent Amount - Billed Amount - WIP Amount may not equal the Write-off Amount.