Progress report
unavailable in ajeraCore
Use this report to help you determine if a project is on time and on budget. You can compare the amount you spent on your project against the budgeted amount and the reported percent complete amount on a project-to-date basis.
With this report, you can perform Earned Value Analysis (EVA), an industry-standard method of determining the progress of a phase or project at any point in time. EVA compares forecasted completion dates and estimated costs to work that was completed (earned). The report illustrates the comparison in a three-line graph, which shows the variance among schedule, budget, and earned.
The report includes a chart so you can easily view trends. You can drill down to phase detail.
The start date for the report is the earlier of actual budget spent or the estimated start date of the project. The report uses your estimated complete date and calculates the timeline appropriately to show the entire project. The end date is the latter of the estimated complete or last date that spending occurred.
The report displays information in weeks if the project contains less than 121 days, based on the start and completion dates you entered on the Manage tab. Otherwise, the information appears in monthly increments.
Note: | This report includes amounts for production phases not linked to marketing phases and for production phases linked to marketing phases with a final disposition of Won. |
Obtaining the best results
To get the most benefit from this report, be sure to maintain this information for the project in the Project Command Center ( > Manage > Project Command Center
- Estimated start and complete dates
- Reported percent complete (RPC)
- Contract amount
In this way, you give Ajera good data for your report, as long as you enter and update the budget and its dates to the phase level.
Project manager
Producing the report
In your Project Command Center, click the Progress tab in the middle of the window.
If the Progress tab does not
yet appear on the window, add it by clicking
(Customize), clicking the Reports tab,
and then selecting the Progress
check box.
Report contents
These columns appear to the left of the graph:
Column | Description |
Project |
The ID for the project or phase |
Description |
The name of the project or phase |
Start date |
Ajera uses either the start date or the estimated start date (if you have not yet entered an actual start date) from the Manage tab. |
Completion date |
Ajera uses either the completion date or the estimated completion date (if you have not yet entered an actual completion date) from the Manage tab. |
These columns appear under the graph:
Note: | These amounts include active marketing efforts. |
Column | Description |
Date |
The start date of the project or the first date effort was expended on the project, whichever is earlier This column lists the weeks or months (weeks if the project is less than 121 days) for the duration of the project. |
Contract |
The amount contracted to be spent on the project as of the date listed |
Spent |
The amount you spent on the project as of the date listed. |
The reported percent complete on the project as of the date listed multiplied by the contract amount |
RPC % |
The most recent reported percent complete, as entered on the Manage tab |
RPC - Spent |
Indicates if you are on track with budget, if you spent more or less than expected |
The graph plots budget amounts vertically against the schedule horizontally. The difference between the blue (forecasted) and green (completed) shows if the project is on schedule. You can measure your budget by comparing RPC with Spent (vertical comparison) and time by comparing RPC with Contract.
Color | Description |
Blue |
Contract amounts based on start and completion dates rolled up from phases |
Red |
Amounts that are actually spent |
Green |
Reported complete amounts based on project manager estimates rolled up from phases |