Plan report

unavailable in ajeraCore

Use this report to review a project's budgeting and scheduling information.

Obtaining the best results

To build the report, Ajera uses the information you enter and maintain in the Project Command Center ( > Manage > Project Command Center > Manage tab).

The more detail you add to your project on the Manage tab, the more detailed your Plan report will be.



Project manager

Producing the report

In your Project Command Center, click the Plan tab in the middle of the window.

If the Plan tab does not yet appear on the window, add it by clicking (Customize), clicking the Reports tab, and then selecting the Plan check box.

Report contents

Field Description

Activity Type / Task

For each phase, this column lists the resource activity type (Labor, Expense, or Consultant).

For each task, it lists the name of the task.

R appears in a box to the right of each resource.

T appears in a box to the right of each task.


The type or category for the resource or task. For a labor resource or task, it is an employee type. For an expense resource, it is an activity. For a consultant resource, it is a vendor type which is identified as a consultant (the Consultant check box is selected for the Vendor Type).

Project Status / Resource

For project or phase rows, this column contains the status.

For activity type or task rows, it contains the resource.

Project Status


You want to track BD efforts and win rates, and project your pipeline. Time and expenses can be entered to the project or phase. The client cannot be invoiced.


The project or phase is not ready for billing. Time and expenses can be entered to the project or phase but the client cannot be invoiced.


The project or phase is active. Time and expenses can be entered to the project or phase. The client can be invoiced. Ajera enters a status of Active until you change it. 

Work hold

Time and expenses cannot be entered to the project or phase. The client can be invoiced.


Time and expenses cannot be entered to the project or phase. The client cannot be invoiced.

Billing hold

Time and expenses can be entered to the project or phase. The client cannot be invoiced.


The project or phase is complete, but you still want to include it in reports.


The specific employee or vendor who is the resource. For a labor resource, it is an employee. For an expense resource, it is a vendor. For a consultant resource, it is a vendor who is identified as a consultant (the Consultant check box is selected for the vendor type).

PM / Reference

For project or phase rows, this column contains the project manager's initials.

For activity type or task rows, it contains the reference, which is the short description that further identifies the resource. You use it to distinguish consultant budget items when managing vendor invoices. You can also use it for labor and expense resources, as needed.

Task Status

The status of the task:

Status Description


Not Started


In Progress








The importance of the task ranked as high, medium, or low.

% Comp

The or percent of work that is complete as of the % complete date. You entered it on the project's Manage tab.

% Comp Date

The date when the percent of work complete is reported. You entered it on the project's Manage tab.

Est Start Date

The date when work is scheduled to begin. You entered it on the project's Manage tab.

Est Comp Date

The date when work is scheduled to be complete. You entered it on the project's Manage tab.

Act Start Date

The actual date when work begins. You entered it on the project's Manage tab.

Act Comp Date

The actual date when work is complete. You entered it on the project's Manage tab.

% Dist

If you used the top down budgeting method to distribute the project budget to phases and resources, the % Dist is the percent of the total for the phase or resource. You entered it on the project's Manage tab. 


The labor hours required to complete the phase. You entered it on the project's Manage tab.

Resource Hour/ Units

The resource hours or units required to complete the work. Project and phase totals include labor hours only.

Billing Rate

The rate used to bill a client for work or expenses incurred on a project. Ajera retrieves this rate from the project's billing rate table, or if not available, then from the average billing rates from the employee type or company preferences.


The contract amount. Either you entered it or Ajera calculated it as hours/units multiplied by billing rate.

Resource Contract

The resource contract budget amount