Save a Search

You can save new or updated searches to the Select Searches list for reuse. You can also create folder directories to organize your searches.

To save a search for reuse:

  1. On the Actions bar, click Save Options.
  2. On the Save Options dialog box, click Save to update an existing search or click Save as New Search to save a new search.
  3. In the Name field, keep the existing search name or enter a new one.
  4. To provide access to the search for other users, click in the Save For field and then, in the Special Selections drop-down list, select a role, department, or group from the list; repeat until you have added all the users or roles that will have access to the search.
    Depending on your security rights, you can save for Everyone (all security roles), your role, or specific security roles. If you do not have security to save for others, you can only save searches for yourself.
  5. If you need to remove a role from the field, click to the right of the selected role.
  6. To add the search to one of the folder directories in the Searches list, click in the Add This Search To field and select a folder directory from the list.
  7. To create a new folder directory, click +New Folder.
  8. In the Name of Folder field on the Folder Options dialog box, enter a name for the new directory, and then click Save.