Create a Search

You can create searches in many application areas.

To create a search:

  1. Complete one of the following actions:
    • From the Saved Search control () at the top of the active hub or application form, click to display the Saved Searches and Record Selection panes. At the bottom of the Saved Searches pane, click + New Search to display the New Search dialog box.
    • From a lookup list, click Search. The New Search dialog box displays and includes a list of the records related to the lookup. Click the More Search Options link to open the New Search dialog box with the Search Criteria grid.
    • From the Reporting application, click the Reports tab and then click on a report row in the Reports grid. The Saved Searches list appears. Click and select the Search option from the Searches list. The New Search dialog box displays and includes a list of the records related to the report.
    • From the Reporting application, click the Favorites tab and then select a favorite report in the list to run it.
  2. Enter and save the search criteria.


Title Description

Basic Searches

Learn how to perform basic searches.

Advanced Searches

Learn how to create advanced searches, including how to use conditions to filter the scope of the results.