Search for a Hub Record

When you search for a hub record while in Detail View, the hub records that match the search criteria are listed in the Record Selection component of the Saved Search control. Use this component to locate a specific record in a long list of search records and to display that record in the main Hub form.

Alternatively, use the paging control in the Search Navigation controls at the top of the Hub form to quickly scroll forward and back through the total number of hub records for a search. As you page to each record, the record's details display in the main Hub form.

To search for a hub record in Detail View:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select a hub.
  2. From the Saved Searches control () at the top of the hub or application form, click to display the Saved Searches and Record Selection panes.

    On the Saved Searches (left) pane, Vantagepoint displays different search options, including standard, predefined searches, personal, shared or complex searches, as well as an ad hoc search Selectionthat appears on both the Saved Search control and Saved Search list.

  3. If you know the name of the search, select it from the Saved Searches list.
    Alternatively, type one or more characters in the Quick Find field to quickly locate a specific search or group of searches. After pausing to allow time for the result set to refresh, the matching searches are listed in the Saved Searches list.

    Find words that sound the same: You can enable the Find words that sound the same when performing searches preference to locate records that sound the same in lookups across all hubs and applications. This type of word search allows you to find names and words with variant spellings or that contain diacritical (accent) marks or special characters, as illustrated in the following name examples: Steven/Stephen or Rene/Renee or Smith/Smyth/Smythe.

    For more information, see Set the Search Preference to Find Words That Sound the Same and Find Words That Sound the Same topics.

  4. Choose one of the following search options:
    Search OptionDescription
    Standard The standard searches are predefined searches that are specific to the active module and cannot be modified. These are searches that you can immediately use without going through the process of creating customized searches from scratch. Standard searches are usually listed at the top of the Searches list and for many hubs and applications include the following options:
    • Click Active to select from a list of active records only.
    • Click All to select from a list of all records (both active and inactive).
    • Click Mine to select from a list of active records for which you are a member of the team. (You are on the team if you are listed as a team member for the record on the Team tab.)

    Depending on the hub, there may be additional standard search options listed.

    Complex Searches SQL Where Clause searches are complex searches that allow you to find records across multiple hubs, applications, and databases, as well as to compare rows, fields, or associated records in grids. Use the Advanced Settings feature to update existing SQL Where Clause searches or build new ones.

    You must have the appropriate security role access to SQL Where Clause searches.

    A legacy searches is also a type of complex search imported from previous versions of the application or from legacy systems. Legacy searches are useful when the search criteria is static from one application version to another. If you want to continue to use a legacy search but need to add more criteria, you must clear the legacy criteria and create a new search in Vantagepoint. This allows you to take advantage of applying new criteria and advanced settings to the search.

    When saved, the search displays as a new search in the Searches list. For more information, see Create a New Search Based on a Legacy Search.

    Personal and Shared Searches Personal (My Searches) and shared searches are basic or advanced searches that you create to find the records that match your business requirements. To create a custom search, click + New Search. On the Search dialog box, add fields and use comparative operators to define a custom set of search criteria. The search locates records that match the specified data types.

    For more information, see Personal and Shared Searches, Build a Basic Search, and Build an Advanced Search.

    Selection If available, Selection appears in the Saved Search control (at the top of most Hub and application forms and also in the Saved Searches list. The word Selection denotes what is known as an ad hoc search. Only one ad hoc Selection is available at any given time in the list where it will remain unchanged until you either update the ad hoc search or create a new one.

    For more information, see Select Records for an Ad Hoc Search and Edit an Ad Hoc Search Selection in Saved Search.

  5. Do one of the following:
    • From the Record Selection component, click in the Find <record> in list field and begin entering the record's name:

      • If you enter a single character, Vantagepoint searches for every record beginning with that character.

      • If you enter more than one character, Vantagepoint searches for every record that contains that string of characters.

      Click Done to display the results for your record search. If multiple records are returned, but you want to select just one, slide the Select Multiple toggle to the On position (), then select the checkbox for the record you want to view, and then click Done. Vantagepoint displays the main Hub form for that record.

    • To quickly scroll through each record associated with the search, navigate to the paging control () at the top of the Hub form. Click the left or right arrows to move to the previous or next hub record in the search's record list.

      As you move forward or back in the records list, Vantagepoint displays the main hub form for each record.