Search Hub Records

Because the hubs may contain a large number of records, Vantagepoint provides multiple methods for locating the hub records that you need.

You can access standard, pre-defined searches, personal and shared searches, as well as complex searches, such as SQL Where Clause and legacy searches. See the Build a Basic Search, Build an Advanced Search, and Build a SQL Where Clause Search help topics for information on creating a new search.

You can also use the Search Navigation Controls feature to quickly locate and view specific searches or hub records, select multiple search records to include in ad hoc searches, as well as view search records in List View and Detail View. See the Search Quick Reference and Search Navigation Controls help topics for information about the Search Navigation Controls feature.

  • From the Saved Searches control () at the top of the hub or application form, click to display the Saved Searches and Record Selection panes. The Saved Searches (left) pane displays all standard, personal, shared, and complex searches that are available for the specified module and to which your security role has access. You can also use Quick Find to locate a specific search or a set of searches. Click the + New Search option to open the New Search dialog box and create a new search that returns records from any of the hubs.

    Use the Record Selection (right) pane to search for hub records from the Find <record> in list field. Select one or more records to create an ad hoc search or Selection that appears in both the Saved Search control ( and in the Saved Searches list. Only one ad hoc Selection is available at any given time and will remain unchanged until you either update it or create a new ad hoc search. For more information, see Select Records for an Ad Hoc Search, and Edit an Ad Hoc Selection in Saved Search.

You can also enable the search preference Find words that sound the same when performing searches to locate word records that sound the same in lookups across all hubs and applications. This type of word search allows you to find names or words that have variant spellings or that contain diacritical (accent) marks or special characters (for example, Steven/Stephen or Rene/Renee or Smith/Smyth/Smythe). For more information, see Set the Search Preference to Find Words That Sound the Same.