Refine the Search Results

You can refine the list of returned search records that match your search criteria.

To refine the list of search records based on the search criteria:

  1. Select the checkbox for a single record or a subset of records in the Search Results grid that you want included in the search.

    If you expanded the Search Results preview to full screen, you cannot refine the search results list. Click to close the expanded Search Results Preview and return to the Search dialog box. For more information about expanded Search Results Preview, see Maximize the Search Results Preview.

    The search result records that you apply to a search are also available for export to a comma-separated values (.csv) file.
  2. Click Apply Selected (#) to include only the selected records that match the search criteria. Unchecked records will not appear in the record selection lists of the Hub or application associated with the records.
    The search result records that you apply to a search are also available for export to a comma-separated values (.csv) file.