Apply Search Filters to Multiselect Drop-Down Lists

You can enter delimited search strings that use semicolon and space separators to build more complex searches.

Prerequisite: To access a multiselect drop-down list, complete Steps 1 through 5 in this topic: Select Multiple Values in Multiselect Drop-Down Lists.

To filter values in a multiselect drop-down:

  1. Click the Add Value field.
    The available values vary, depending on the type of field or grid field that you select.
  2. In the Add Value field, complete one of the following actions:
    • Enter one or more characters to quickly locate a subset of values in a long list.

      The multiselect drop-down list populates with all matching values. Your choice of Operator and the text that you enter in the Add Value field together determine which values are returned.

      For more information, see Operators for Advanced Search.

    • Enter a delimited search string, using semi-colon and space delimiters.

      For example, you can add a search string in a series (such as, "value1; value2; value3;"), or use multiple delimiters (for example, "a; the; Smith", or add a partial string, such as "Belmont Park". Vantagepoint returns all values that match the delimited search string(s) you entered.

      If you enter a partial delimited search string, Vantagepoint returns all values that are an exact match for the delimited string, plus any values that share just a part of the delimited string.

      For example, If you enter "Belmont Park;" the following values may also be returned: Belmont Park; Belmont Park Grandstand; Belmont Park Recreation Department; and Belmont Park Surveying Services. Because these matches for Belmont Park share only a portion of the delimited value, they are not unique, and therefore they are displayed as slightly larger text (instead of pills) in the Add Values field.

  3. On the Actions bar, click Save Options.
    For more information, see: Save a Search.