View External Predecessors and Successors

This procedure allows you to view activity predecessors and successors in the Change Details view.

See External Predecessors and Successors and Activities Overview for more information.

To view activity predecessors and successors:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Workflows » Change Management » select a Change Request.

  2. In the List View, select the Change Request to which you want to add an activity.

  3. On the General tab of the Change Request Form, click the Change Details button. The Change Details view and barchart displays.

    In the Change Details view, the predecessors are listed above the selected Control Account and the successors are listed below the selected Control Account.

  4. Expand the Predecessor or Successor nodes in the grid to view the External node. Expand the External node to view the external activities with relationships going into or out of the selected control account. 

  5. Follow the relationship line from the external node to the activity in the selected control account.

  6. Click on this activity in the grid to select the row.

  7. Click the Relationships tab.

  8. Click the hyperlink ID in the predecessor or successor field to display the Activity Information dialog box. The dialog box displays information about the activity that precedes/follows the currently selected activity. This includes information on activities that are outside of your control account.

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