Activity Information Dialog Box

Click a hyperlink in the Predecessor or Successor field on the Relationships tab to view detailed information about the predecessor or successor activity, including information about activities that are outside of the current Control Account.

Activity ID

This is an ID field that uniquely identifies an activity/task. It uses the following format: <changeNumber>_7-digit random number.


This field provides a description of the selected activity.

Control Account

The activity is assigned to a Work Package which rolls up into a Control Account. One Control Account can have many Work Packages. This field displays the control account to which the activity rolls up.

Work Package

The activity is assigned to a Work Package which rolls up into a Control Account. One Control Account can have many Work Packages. This field displays the Work Package to which the activity is assigned.


This is the Control Account Manager assigned to the control account for the selected activity.


This is the length of the activity. See Duration Units for more information.

Total Float

This is the maximum number of work periods by which an activity can be delayed without delaying project completion or violating a target finish date.

Free Float

This is the maximum amount by which an activity can be delayed beyond its early dates without delaying any successor activity beyond its early dates. In the absence of finish targets, free float is always less than or equal to total float.

Forecast Start Date

This is the forecasted begin date for the activity.

Forecast Finish Date

This is the forecasted end date for the activity.

Baseline Start

This is the baseline start date from the current/default baseline.

Baseline Finish

This is the baseline end date from the current/default baseline.

% Complete

This indicates duration percent complete. Percent Complete deals with time and is measured by activity duration. For example, assume that a 10-day activity is 40% complete at the close of business on the fourth work day. The task is late if the value for Percent Complete is less than the expected value as of the status date.


Click this button to close the Activity Information dialog box.


Click this button to display the help.

What do you want to do?

Insert an activity to a work package

Delay the start of an activity

Change the EVT for an activity

Add a predecessor or successor relationship to define when an activity occurs

Edit activity information

Add a relationship to an activity

Add a resource to an activity

Create a change registry simulation

View location

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