Troubleshooting: Verify Version

This check fails if the Cobra version that you are using does not match the version in the database.

The PM Compass Change Management process integrates with Cobra using the Cobra Web Services (Cobra Engine) on the PM Compass Server to execute Cobra processes. Depending on the version of Cobra you are using, you may have to download and install the correct CobraXXIntegrationforPMCompassXX.exe file.

You can download the Cobra Integration file from the PM Compass <version> DSM folder.

The Cobra (CobraEngine) folders contain the versions of the Cobra Web Services server side dll's used for the integration. The files registered and installed must match the version of your Cobra database.

If you upgrade Cobra after you install PM Compass, download and install the Cobra integration file that corresponds to your upgraded version.

For more information, see Integrating with Cobra ยป Installing the Cobra Web Services in the PM Compass Installation Guide.

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