Display Settings Dialog Box

Use the Display Settings dialog box to modify the user interface of PM Compass according to your preferences.

Display Settings Dialog Box Tabs

This dialog box contains the following tabs, which affect corresponding elements in PM Compass:

For information about how the display settings are stored, see Display Settings Overview.


Use this field to select a predefined display setting. The available options are:

If you select an option in this field then manually change any of the other display settings, the value in this field is cleared.

The default display setting is not listed as an option. Click the Default button to reset all elements to their default display setting or select the Use Default Values check box to reset only the selected element to its default display setting.

This setting is workstation specific. The default color scheme cannot be changed globally and must be changed for each user on each workstation.


Click to use the Organize Display Settings dialog box to save a display setting. Only members of the SYSADMIN group can use this button.


Click to reset all elements on all tabs to their default setting. To reset the display settings for the selected element only (currently selected in the Element Selection list on the lower left portion of the dialog box), select the Use Default Values check box.


Click to save all changes. All changes only take effect when you create a new session, that is, when you log out and then log back in to PM Compass again.


Click to apply the defined settings to the dialog box. Applying the settings is only temporary. You still need to click Save for the settings to take effect.


Click to close the dialog box without saving any changes.

What do you want to do?

Customize the appearance of PM Compass

Restore default values for a selected element

Restore default values for all elements

View location

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