Menus Tab of the Display Settings Dialog Box

Use the Menus tab of the Display Settings dialog box to modify the general appearance of menus, sub-menus, and tabs in PM Compass.

See Display Settings dialog box for a description of the Settings field and common buttons.

Preview Area

The top-right portion of the tab includes a preview area where you can instantly preview any changes that you make.

Element Selection

The Element Selection list is located on the lower left portion of the dialog box (it doesn't have a label). It displays all available elements related to this tab. You can select an element from the list then use the Background and Foreground options to modify its appearance.

You can use the Menus Tab to change the following elements:

  • Application Title

  • Menu Background

  • Menu Item

  • Active Menu Item

  • Disabled Menu Item

  • Sub-Menu Background

  • Sub-Menu Item

  • Active Sub-Menu Item

  • Disabled Sub-Menu Item

  • Context Area

  • Tab Item

  • Selected Tab Item

  • Disabled Tab Item

Use Default Values

Select this check box to reset the display settings for the selected element to its default setting. Using this option only affects the element you have selected in the Element Selection list.

To reset all elements on all tabs to their default setting, use the Default button at the bottom of the dialog box.


This group box allows you to change the background color of an element. You can enter values or click to select a hue on the Select Hue dialog box or a color on the Select Color dialog box.


If an element is capable of using gradients, the following fields become enabled:

Solid Color

If the element uses a solid color, you can also modify the fill and border. Selecting this option enables the Border Color field. A color component value from 0 through 255 is accepted.

Border Color

This option and its Red, Green, and Blue fields are enabled when you select the Solid Color option.

These options are only enabled if the selected element is able to have a gradient background color and the Use Default Values check box is not selected.


This group box allows you to change the text color of an element. These may include labels, field texts, and links.

Text Color

You can enter a color component value (0-255) in the Red, Green, and Blue fields or you can click to select a color on the Select Color dialog box.

What do you want to do?

Customize the appearance of PM Compass

Restore default values for a selected element

Restore default values for all elements

View location

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