Display Settings Overview

You can use Display Settings to perform the following tasks:

The Display Settings Dialog Box

The Display Settings dialog box contains the following tabs:

How Display Settings Are Stored

The display settings are stored on the local machine as part of the Window's user profile and will therefore work on all PM Compass databases that you select. If you login to PM Compass as a different user while using the same Windows login, the display settings remain the same.

If you want your display settings to be available to you on a different machine, the System Administrator must enable your roaming user profile.

Saving a Setting for Future Use

After you edit the display settings, you can save the settings so that you can retrieve them, or switch between different display settings, without having to re-edit the elements.

What do you want to do?

Customize the appearance of PM Compass

Save display settings

Restore default values for a selected element

Restore default values for all elements

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