This report displays the list of workflows assigned to a user. It provides details that can be used to evaluate all assigned workflows.
You can use the General tab of the Workflow List Options dialog box to display the Workflow ID as a hyperlink when the report is previewed. If the workflow does not have a formatted report, clicking the link displays header information for the workflow itself. If the workflow has a formatted report, clicking the workflow ID link displays the formatted report.
A benefit of the Total Cost and Total Hours fields in this report is that you can create a Change Log report. When you run the Workflow List report, add the Total Cost and Total Hours fields (they are not included on the report by default), sort by control account, and filter the data for the Forecast Change Request workflow types. The report shows you how the EAC on a control account has changed over time.
in the Report grid Selection column to display the Search
dialog box that you can use to filter your report data. You can specify
either specific records or criteria when you define the filter that the
system uses when creating the report.
For more information, see Modify Standard Reports and Specifying Criteria vs. Specific Records (Values).
For reports that support master projects, if you select a master project in Project Search (<Report> Search dialog box), when the report runs, data for all subprojects related to the selected master project displays on the report.
Reports using master projects use the master calendar.
To display the data by project, group by Project on the Sorting/Grouping tab.
You can use the Options dialog box to customize the report. Click
in the Options column to display the Workflow List Options dialog box
which includes the following tabs:
Use the General tab to rename a report and select workflow to display.
Use the Sorting/Grouping tab to specify the sequence in which data displays on the report.
Use the Columns tab to select the columns that display on the report.
Use the Graph tab to create a graph to display on the report.
Use the Layout tab to set the font, margins, orientation, page size, and other formatting options for the report.
All tabs on the Options dialog box share some common options and buttons.
For calculated report field formulas, see Calculated Field Formulas and Descriptions.
In order to view a source or custom field on the Workflow List report, you first need to add the field to the workflow table of the database using the Custom Fields tab on the User-Defined Data form. See Add a Source or Custom Field to a Report for more information.
You can generate this report from the following areas:
Workflows » All Workflows » Print » Select Workflow to Print » Workflow List
Reports » Workflow » Workflow History
Review the report procedures (use, modify, edit, format, sort, and archive reports)