Report/Report Links Dashpart Process

This topic includes information about adding a report dashpart and a report links dashpart.

The Links and Report Links field on the Dashpart Configuration dialog box lists the saved reports. A saved report is one that you have customized (changed the report options and saved under another name) or one that someone else has customized and to which you have access.

You cannot add standard (original) reports as report or report link dashparts.

You need to perform several steps in order to ensure that a report is configured correctly so that it can be added as a Report or Report Links dashpart. This topic describes each step in detail.

Configure the report

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The first step is to modify the report options and specify the report criteria. After you have done that, you then save the report as a new report.

Report Options

When you modify standard report options, you can save them for future use. If you save them to the Personal Options folder, then only you as the report owner can use them. If you save them to the Global Options folder, then all users with access to that report can use them.

Report Criteria

Report criteria define the filter that the system should use when creating the report. After you specify criteria, you can save them to a Personal Searches folder, or you can save them to a Global Searches folder if you want others to have access to them.

See Specifying Criteria vs. Specific Records (Values) in Related Topics for information about the difference between selecting report search criteria vs. records (values).

Save the Report

After you set the options and criteria, you need to save the report as a new report.

Modify options for a standard report

Specifying criteria vs. specific records (values)

Save a modified standard report as a new report

Configure the report access rights

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When you save a new report, the system saves it as a personal report. You can see this on the Reports Form Reports tab in the Type column. No other user can view a personal report (even as a report dashpart).

In order for others to see the report, you have to change it to a global report using Access Control.

Share a modified report with other users

Learn about the Reports tab

Add the report or report links dashpart

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After you have saved the modified report, you can now add it as a report dashpart or report links dashpart.

You can add new saved reports to a report links dashpart using the Dashpart Configuration dialog box. The Add Reports dialog box lists all saved global and personal reports to which you have access and that have not already been selected to be displayed in a dashpart.

Add a Report Dashpart

Add a Report Links Dashpart for Selected Saved Reports

Add a Report Links Dashpart For All Saved Reports

Configure access control to dashparts

Add a New Report Link to a Shared Dashpart

Share the dashpart with other users

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If you want to share the dashpart with other users, you must configure access control. The users will be able to see the dashpart including all of the reports for which they have rights to view.

If you are using a shared report link dashpart and want to add a new report link, the owner of the shared dashpart must add the new report link then configure access control to enable other users to see the new addition. After the owner has added the new report link and configured access, other users will be able to see the change when they login again or when they refresh the dashpart.

Configure access control to dashparts

Add a New Report Link to a Shared Dashpart

Delete a link from a report links dashpart

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