Schedule Analysis View

The Schedule Analysis view contains a hierarchical list of the activities for the project. Use this view to display information about the project's primary activities (parent activities) and activities related to the primary activities (child activities). For example, you may want to view the actual start date, actual finish date, expected finish date, target start date, and physical % complete for a specific project activity and its sub-activities, if there are any.

You cannot update schedule information in the Schedule Analysis view. To update schedule information for a project, use the Enter Schedule Progress form.

Use the Schedule Analysis view to perform the following tasks:

The view can be accessed in two ways:

When you are in the Master Projects view of the Projects List View (that is, you clicked Show Master Projects), you can only use the My Schedule Analysis link on the Navigation menu to navigate. You cannot use the Schedule Analysis option on the Projects View toolbar. For more information, see Master Projects.

Record Limit

The Progress and Analysis Record Limit on the System Settings General tab allows you to set the maximum number of records returned in this view. This improves performance when you have thousands of records in a database.

When you open this view and there are more records than the number set in the Progress and Analysis Record Limit field, a message displays letting you know that the selection exceeds the maximum number of records that can be returned. At this point, you can choose to select a filter to reduce the number of records. If you choose not to select a filter, the following message displays: "Your selection exceeds the maximum number of records returned. Only the first <max num> rows will display."


You can print update information for activities using Print on the Schedule Analysis view toolbar. You can print Progress History reports, which list how the completion status changed over time in percent format, and Workflow history reports, which is a printout of the records generated whenever status is submitted, rejected, or approved.  

Schedule Analysis View Toolbar

The Schedule Analysis view toolbar allows you to perform tasks such as searching for an activity or entering progress.

Schedule Analysis View Barchart

The Schedule Analysis view barchart section shows activity date information in a graphical form by drawing bars between pairs of dates ( for example, the baseline bar is drawn between the baseline start and finish dates). Click Barchart on the toolbar to display the Barchart Options Dialog Box to view the barchart legend and choose whether or not to show relationships. For more information, see Schedule Analysis Barchart Overview.

Schedule Analysis View Tabs

The Schedule Analysis View has the following tabs:

Schedule Analysis Grid

This grid displays the activities for the selected project in a hierarchical view. If you select an activity in the grid, the tabs at the bottom of the displays information about the selected activity.

Grid Toolbar



Select Columns

Click this button to display the Select Columns dialog box, where you can select the columns that you want to add to the grid.

Hide Hierarchy/Show Hierarchy

By default, the Hide Hierarchy button is displayed on the toolbar and the Schedule Analysis grid displays activities in a hierarchical view, with parent activities at the top of the hierarchy and the child activities under the parent activities. Click Hide Hierarchy to display the activities in a non-hierarchical view, and in ascending or descending order based on their activity IDs.

When the activities are displayed in a non-hierarchical view, the Show Hierarchy button becomes available.

Grid Columns

These are the default columns for the Schedule Analysis view grid. You can add or remove columns by using the Select Columns dialog box.

Field Name


Schedule Project

This column displays the schedule project to which the activity belongs.

Activity ID

This column displays the IDs of the project activities.

Activity Description

This column displays a description of each project activity.

Progress Type

This column displays the type of progress being tracked for the selected activity. The value in this column determines how the Progress Value column is used. See Progress Type for more information about the options in this column.

Progress Value

This column displays the amount of work done based on the option in the Progress Type column. See Progress_Value for more information about this column.

Actual Start

This column displays the actual start date for the activity. See Actual_Start/Finish for more information about this column.

Actual Finish

This column displays the actual finish date for the activity. See Actual_Start/Finish for more information about this column.

Physical % Complete

This column displays the estimate of the amount of work that has been completed in percent.  

Expected Finish

This column displays the expected finish date for the activity at the date of the progress entry. Use this column to update the expected finish date.

This field is not available in MSP and is therefore not exported back into the MSP project.


This column displays the original duration for the activity.

Code Fields

These are the code fields that were defined on the User-Defined Data form.

For more information, see Codes Tab of the Enter Schedule Progress Form.

User Fields

These are the user fields that were defined on the User-Defined Data form.

For more information, see User Fields Tab of the Enter Schedule Progress Form.

What do you want to do?

Search for an Activity in the "My Schedule Analysis"/Schedule Analysis View

Find activities that are not progressing according to plan

Add a source field to the Schedule Analysis view

Delete a source field from the Schedule Analysis view

View the work package linked to an activity in the Cost Analysis view

View resources assigned to an activity

Set up project-level thresholds

Enter schedule progress

Review the activity field descriptions

View location

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