Workflow Form View: General Tab of the Approve Change Form

The Project Controls Analyst (PCA) creates an Approve Change after they work with a Control Account Manager (CAM) to plan and price a requested change in a cost management system.

All workflow categories in PM Compass share a common toolbar.

General Tab Field Descriptions for Other Change Request Types

The fields that display on this tab differ from one type of change request to the next. This topic lists the default fields for the Contract Change, Budget, and Forecast Change. To view the General tab field descriptions for other change request types, click on one of the following links:


This serves as the unique key field for each Approve Change record. PM Compass automatically generates a value for this field, but you can also manually enter it. However, you must ensure that you enter a unique value.

You can edit this field as long as you haven't saved the record yet.


Enter a title for the Approve Change. You can no longer edit this field after you save the record unless the Approve Change does not use a workflow.

Due Date

Select the end date for the Approve Change completion.


Select the level of urgency (priority code) for the Approve Change.


Click  to select a project code. The Project Search dialog box displays.

Control Account

Click  to select a control account. The Control Account Search dialog box displays.

Baseline Start/Finish and Forecast Start/Finish

These fields display the Baseline and Forecast start and finish dates.

Proposed Change

When the Request Change form is completed, the Update Source step action uses the information in this field to update the note field on the control account. When an Approve Change is created, the same note is displayed on the Approve Change form.

If there are many change requests in progress for a single control account, the details for all in-progress changes are displayed on the Approve Change. If your organization frequently has many proposed changes for a single control account at one time, you can change this from a source field to a custom field. The note will then only exist on the Approve Change form.

If the Approve Change is created automatically from the Request Change using the Create Workflow step action, all of the standard and custom fields are copied, including this field.


Click this button to display the Text Viewer dialog box where you can review your proposed change information.

Budget Details Grid

When approving a change, the Budget Details grid provides information to the approver about the value of the change. The information that is displayed in this table can be modified in Workflow Type Configuration.   

Select Cost Set

Click this button to select a cost set to display both the approved budget and the value of the change stored in a different cost set.

This button only displays when the cost system is Cobra and you have selected the Allow Selection of Additional Cost Set in Workflow option on the Cost Details on Form tab in Workflow Type Configuration.

What do you want to do?

Create a Request Change

Create an Approve Change

Automatically create the Approve Change

View location

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