Create a Request Change Workflow

Use this procedure to create a Request Change Workflow.

To create a Request Change workflow:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Workflows » Change Management.

  2. On the form toolbar, click New and select New Workflow or Copy Current Workflow.

    Selecting either of the two options switches the form from List View to Form View. The Copy Current Workflow option is only available if there is an existing change request in the grid. Selecting it copies the information from the original Request Change into the new change request.

  3. In the Workflow Type Search dialog box, select Request Change and click Select.  

  4. On the General tab of the Request Change form, enter the necessary information. In addition to all other fields, complete an estimating spreadsheet:

    1. In the Complete the Spreadsheet and Add to the Links Tab field, click the URL and save a copy of the template spreadsheet locally. If the link does not work, your administrator may not have configured the template URL. In this case, you need to modify the default template URL.

    2. Using Excel, complete the spreadsheet to detail the requested change.

    3. Copy the spreadsheet to the server, or check the file in to a document management system. Do not link to a document on your desktop if you intend other users to view the document. Place the document into a document management system, such as SharePoint, or copy it to a shared folder and use a UNC path.

    4. Copy the shortcut or path for the location of the checked-in spreadsheet.

  5. On the Request Change form Links tab:

    1. Click New.

    2. In the New Link dialog box, enter the name of the document.

    3. Paste the shortcut or enter the path to the saved estimating spreadsheet.

    4. Click Save. The link displays in the Links grid.

    5. Verify the link.

  6. On the form toolbar, click Start Workflow. The Start Workflow button label changes to Workflow Actions.

  7. Submit the Request Change by clicking Workflow Actions » Submit.

  8. To view the next workflow step, click the Progress tab.

What do you want to do?

Modify the default template URL

Create an Approve Change

Modify the Default Template URL

Delete a Request Change

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