About Deltek PM Compass Dialog Box

Application Version

This field displays the version of software running on the application server.

Client Version

This field displays the version of software running on the client machine.

Database Version

This field displays the "schema version" last installed or updated in the application's database. In general, the database version always match the schema version.

Application Server

This field displays the operating system version and CPU model.

Database Server

This field displays the Server name and version number.

Database Type

This field displays the database type (SQL or Oracle).

Database Name

This field displays the database name followed by database description (if connected to SQL) or database description (if connected to Oracle).

Report Server

This field displays the server that is used to generate the reports.

Report Server URL

This displays the URL link to access the report server.

Report Server Version

This field displays the version of SQL server reporting service.

Test Browser

Click this button to display the Browser Test dialog box and launch https://www.whatismybrowser.com, which shows your current browser, its version, and other browser setting


Click to close the About Deltek PM Compass dialog box.


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