Send Email Dialog Box

Use the Send Email dialog box to send an email to the Internal Help Desk.

This dialog box has the following fields:

To, Cc, and Bc


This field allows you to enter a user or select the user from the Standard Search Users dialog box. Search Users dialog box displays only PM Compass users with email address specified in the Email address field in EPM SA.


This field allows you to enter a group or select the group from the Standard Search Group dialog box. Search Groups dialog box displays all groups established in the EPM Security Administrator.

Email Addresses

This text box allows you to enter email addresses. You can enter multiple email addresses by using a semicolon between addresses.


This text box allows you to enter a subject line for email.


Use this field to enter your email message. You can enter text directly in this field or click Edit to use the Text Editor dialog box.

The Message field and Text Editor displays the following information:


Click this button to expand the Send Email dialog box and display an attachment grid. Attachments grid allows you to attach file to the email or delete the attached file.

The attachment grid has the following options:


Click this button to display the Standard Windows Open File form where you can search and select the file you want to send with the email. After user selects the file, the file name and path is displayed in the Attachments grid.


Click the row in the grid that contains the attachment then click Delete to remove the file from the grid.

Attachments grid options

Select one of the following options from the drop-down list:

View location

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