Change Password Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to change the password that you use to log into PM Compass.

Old Password

Enter your current password in this field.

New Password

Enter your new password.

Minimum password length is defined in System Settings in Deltek EPM Security Administrator. Alpha, numeric and special characters are allowed.

Passwords are not case sensitive. If the Password is Required for All Non-Administrative Users option is not selected in the System Settings in EPM SA, the blank password is allowed for non-admin users. Also, if Password Must Contain at Least One Alpha and One Numeric Character option is not selected in the System Settings in EPM SA, all numeric or all alpha or combination of both is allowed.

Confirm New Password

Re-enter your new password for verification.

You should enter the new password for a second time in the Confirm password text box. This confirms if the new password you entered is correct.

The Change Password button is disabled if the Windows Authentication check box is selected in Users » Authentication tab in Deltek EPM Security Administrator for the currently-logged in PM Compass user.

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