Checking for Schedule Changes While Modeling Changes

Mark a Workflow Active, Approve a Workflow, or Submit a Workflow for Review

When you are in the Modeling Session List View, PM Compass will check for workflow updates when you perform any of the following actions:

When you approve a workflow, the system is only checking for updates on the selected workflows. It is good practice to click Check for Schedule Changes before approving.

If one of the selected workflows has been updated by another user since you started your modeling session, PM Compass displays a message asking you if you would like to reload the modeling session.

Check for Schedule Changes

When you click the Check for Schedule Changes button on the Modeling Session List View toolbar, PM Compass checks the list of loaded workflows to see if another user has made changes to the selected workflows since you started your modeling session. If there are unsaved changes in your session, PM Compass displays a message letting you know that you must save your changes before checking for updates and asking if you want to save your changes and continue checking for updates.

When Check for Schedule Changes runs, the system does not check for changes made in the Change Details view. This allows users to start editing the costs at the work package level while schedule changes are still underway. Avoid making changes to activities in the Change Details view while users are making changes and approving workflows in Model Changes.

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