Check for Schedule Changes Dialog Box

When you click Check for Schedule Changes in the Modeling Session List View, if other users have made any updates to the selected workflows since you started your modeling session, PM Compass displays this dialog box and asks if you want to reload your modeling session to include the listed changes.

When you approve a workflow, the system is only checking for updates on the selected workflows. It is a good practice to click Check for Schedule Changes before approving.

When Check for Schedule Changes runs, the system does not check for changes made in the Change Details view. This allows users to start editing the costs at the work package level while schedule changes are still underway. Avoid making changes to activities in the Change Details view while users are making changes and approving workflows in Model Changes.

For more information, see Checking for Schedule Changes While Modeling Changes.

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Export to Excel

Select this option to open the Microsoft Excel application with the grid’s contents displayed.

Check for Update Grid



Change Number

This column lists the change numbers of the workflows that have been updated by other users since you started your modeling session.


This column lists the workflow title.


When you click Yes, Open Plan closes the schedule and re-opens it in the modeling mode and loads all of the changes for the selected workflows. PM Compass runs Time Analysis and then displays the Modeling Changes List View.


PM Compass returns you to the Modeling Changes List View. The workflows that included changes are disabled and you cannot mark them as active, submit them for review, or approve them. In order to model changes with those workflows, click Check for Schedule Changes again and click Yes.


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