Troubleshooting: Check the Cobra Report Templates Location

If the Cobra report templates are stored in a folder to which the user running the PM Compass Process Server service has read and write access, this check will pass. Otherwise, this check will fail with the following error: "The Cobra Report Templates are not being saved to a location. You will not be able to produce a Cobra report from PM Compass."

To check the Cobra report template location:

  1. In Cobra, click the Cobra button » Preferences » Application.

  2. Click the Reports tab.

  3. In the Report Template Location field, enter a path where the Cobra report templates are stored and to which the user running the PM Compass Process Server service has read and write access.

  4. TIP: When you install PM Compass, a shared drive is also created. To see the shared drive, navigate to the Files Folder tab in System Settings. You can use the shared folder path to create a sub-folder for the Cobra report templates. Then copy the report templates from the Cobra directory to this new location.

  5. Click Apply and then click OK.

  6. Stop and restart all Cobra Web Service instances to ensure that changes take effect.

  7. In PM Compass, verify the installed components again.

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