Use this procedure to schedule the generation of a report.
For more information on reports, see Reporting Overview.
To schedule a report, complete the following steps:
On the Navigation menu, click Reports then click the report category where you want to schedule a report's generation.
The Reporting form displays. For more information, refer to the following topics:
In the Reports grid on the Reports tab, place the row selector on the specific report whose generation you want to schedule.
Click Schedule on the Reporting toolbar.
The Schedule dialog box displays.
The Schedule dialog box displays only if you have already set the options for the report; otherwise, Deltek PM Compass first prompts you to define the report options.
For more information on the options dialog box fields, select a category from the list below, then select a report to access the tab field descriptions for that report:
Enter the necessary information for the scheduled report generation.
Click OK.
Schedule the delivery of a report