Other Notifications Subtask

Use the Other Notifications Subtask to add other notifications for tasks.

Fields Table

Field Description

Click to select a functional role for the user who receives the notification. The available options are all the functional roles set up in your system. These functional role descriptions are listed in alphabetical order.


Click to choose which task should be performed when the user(s) with that functional role are notified. The options are the following:

  • None
  • Review Timesheet
  • Update Timesheet
  • Sign Timesheet
  • Approve Timesheet
  • Approve Leave Request
  • Correct Timesheet
  • Approve Timesheet Correction

Select this check box if you want the notification to be sent as an e-mail.

Send Interactive Email

Select this check box for the notification to be sent as an interactive email.

This field enables when the Action field is set to Sign Regular Timesheet or Sign Correcting Timesheet.

This field disables if the Enable Time & Expense Interactive E-mail check box is not selected in Configure System Settings.

Expire After

From this drop-down list, select the period of time after which the interactive email will expire. The available time periods are:

  • 24 Hours
  • 20 Hours
  • 16 Hours
  • 12 Hours
  • 8 Hours
  • 4 Hours

The field defaults to 24 Hours, and enables when the Interactive E-Mail feature is active.


To save all your additional event notifications, click OK.